Chill day maybe???

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I wake up still laying on her. Her Leg is thrown over my back while her arm cradles my head. She has leaked our fluids over us both. I sit up and check for signs to see if I was too rough with her.

"I'm fine don't do that. I would have let you know if you hurt me," she says opening her eyes. Peeking between her legs I see her pussy is a deep rose color. She laughs. "Stop that, now your just trying to turn me on."

I lean to kiss her. 

"The things you do to me, baby." I tell her.

She starts to look anxious. 

"Omari I am so sorry about last night at the club and when we got home."

"Hey, not your fault. I love you and I'm not going anywhere, baby. For better for worse remember?" I say pulling her to me. She leans into me I can feel her tears running down my skin. 

"I know that I swear I do I just get scared,baby. That doesn't mean I don't believe in this or in us," she says kissing my chest.

Looking at the clock I'm grateful that today is Saturday. And she has no classes. Holding her close to me, I give thought to the love we share. The differences between us. The gratefulness that I feel every time I look at her and know that she has chosen to be with me. I love her deeply.


Thump-thump, thump-thump.

Thump-thump, thump-thump




Where is this noise coming from? I ask myself


"Huh?" My head snaps up stopping me from pacing to look at Kaira. "Yes Baby?"

"What the heck is wrong with you?" she practically yells at me. "You've been pacing around like a mad man for days now."

"Babe you don't hear it? Its driving me insane"

"Hear what love?"

"That thump-thump thump-thump. That's all I've been hearing for days now."

"Baby I don't hear anything." she says looking around before her eyes land on my. "But we have to get going. I am starving and you promised me a Kiwi Burger?"

Blinking a few times in Kaira's direction before shaking it off, I run my hand through my dreads. Very glad at the moment she can't see my face. She wants me to drive three and a half hours for a burger. And all I want to do is find that damn thump-thump.

"Aahhh ok babe let's go." I respond grabbing my jacket and keys.

Walking out to the car, I hold the door open for Kaira. I take a moment to look at her.She seems happy. Could just be the thought of food.

A few weeks have pass since that dreadful night at the club. Thankfully, Kaira has bounced back. She is no longer friends with Sophie. From my understanding Sophie has become a bit of a recluse. Distancing herself from all her friends. Pains me not. My concern will always be Kaira. Sneaking another peek at her as I slide behind the wheel. I can't help but smile at her happy dance.


What the actual fuck.

Putting the key into the ignition I start to get a weird feeling that someone is watching us. Subtly glancing around I notice no one. Shaking my head at my own paranoia I start to reverse out the driveway.

Looking over at Kaira, taking her hand and placing a kiss on it. I see her smile.

"Do you want to just make a weekend of Queenstown? We haven't cooled it outside the house for awhile now." I ask her.

"Yes baby. We can do that." She says while getting comforted in her seat.

Arriving in Queenstown, we decide to get our room at the Matakauri Lodge before heading out to eat. Thank goodness Kaira agreed especially after waking up with complaints about her stomach touching her back.

After freshening up, we walk to Fergburger. As we stroll down the street I get that same weird feeling of being watched again. Looking around I don;t see anything or anyone out of the ordinary. Maybe I'm just losing it. Ever since this thump-thump started I've been feeling as if we are being followed and watched. Kaira doesn't think nothing of it nor does she hear the noise. I know at the rate between me hearing things and being paranoid she will have me back in the lab in no time.

"Stop thinking so hard" she tells me.

"I'm not love. I'm just out enjoying a stroll with my woman."

"You are a terrible liar. I hope you know that." she says with a smile. "Now tell me what is on your mind."

"I still feel like we are being watched and followed. Along with the fact you don't hear this noise is just tripping me out. I feel like I'm going cucu for cocopuffs."

"Do you feel any different? Does your body seems to have made any changes?" she asks.

"No thats the thing baby I feel great honestly. I just I don't know."

Walking into Fergburger we are lead outside to the patio. I know Kaira already knows what she's getting. After ordering our drinks I notice Kaira bouncing in her seat again. I am trying my best to ignore the lingering feelings and along with the sound.

"We both know I am getting the Big Al," she stated glowing at the thought of her birger, "what are you getting baby?"

"Ah I am at a crossroads between the Little Lamby and the Bullseye."

"Oh goodness you and lamb. Well you in steak also. The great love affair you three have." she says before her eyes get lighter in thought or anticipation, "Can we please go to Mrs Ferg Gelataria before heading back to the room?"

"Yes my love" I say laughing shaking my head at her.

Finally settling on the Little Lamby we place our orders and wait for the food to arrive. Looking around the place seeing if I can spot where this feeling is continuously coming from, I see nothing. 

Our food arrives and I watch Kaira dig in with a gusto. I mean she is straight hoovering that burger. Poor thing didn't stand a chance. Finishing my own plate I watch as she finishes off the onion rings. Scratching my head at her actions. I have never seen Kaira eat like this and to think she still wants ice cream. Holy shit.

Paying the bill and leaving a tip of course, we head out. After receiving our ice creams we continue our walk around and just in the sights.

"Oh my goodness this is so sinfully delicious." Kaira says with an orgasmic moan for good measure.

Suddenly she stops and gazes around, grabbing my wrist she stares off for moment before before looking back at me.

"Imani, someone is watching us." she calmly states.

"Oh now you believe."I sass looking around, "Baby I don't see anyone."

"I have no choice put to believe you. They are right across looking at us."

"How do you know?" I ask her.

"Because I can see them the way that I see you."

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