Danny & Mark

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Description: This is a 'best friends fall in love' story. I made it up fast and it's short so I'm not gonna write a whole description lol. (Around 1620 words.)


Mark's POV

"Promise you won't fall asleep this time?"

"Absolutely!" Danny said enthusiastically. "Do you promise?"

I laughed, "Yes but how many times have we broken these promises?

He shrugged and hit play on the movie.

That was the scene I was remembering as I opened my eyes, seeing the credits of our movie playing through.

I smiled a little at the boy beside me with his head on my shoulder. He knows we always fall asleep during the first half-hour of movies. I have no idea why he keeps suggesting movie night. Oh well. He looks adorable. His light blonde hair is a mess on top of his head as per usual and a small tint of pink over his cheeks. His eyes closed, his lips bright pink, and his mouth is open slightly. He looks exactly like an angel, I've never told him that though. He thinks everyone treats him like he's a girl because he's small and has a baby face and looks so innocent. Because of that, I don't tell him how much he looks like an angel no matter what he is doing. He also pouts to me when he's telling me about how someone else made it seem like he was a little kid. I didn't have the heart to tell him that he honestly does look like a little kid when he pouts like that. Anyway. His head is on my shoulder, my head was on his until I woke up I'd lay back down but I like being able to just look at him. Danny is the light of my life. He's my best friend and I love him. More than one should love their best friend but I try not to think about it too much. As long as Danny is by my side I'm happy.

Danny's eyebrows furrowed lightly, his face going in a slight pout. That made me smile. Then he opened his eyes. He looked across from us at the tv for a second then readjusted his head on my shoulder to look at me. Probably to see if I was awake, which he found out when we made eye contact.

He smiled at me, anything. I'm pretty sure it is like one in the morning.

I couldn't help but let my eyes linger on his full pink lips after I saw his smile. I didn't even notice I was staring until I looked back at his eyes and his cheeks were a deep shade of pink. I caught him glancing from my eyes to my lips a few times as we stared at each other. We were slowly getting closer together and I noticed his light freckles. My neck was bending down so my face was level with his, his neck stretching up so he could meet me in the middle. After a few more glances, the gap closed between our lips.

It was a very shy kiss. Almost as if we were both scared that if we pressed too hard, we'd wake up from this dream. His lips were so soft. I didn't want to pull away ever.

After we did pull away though, Danny's eyes closed for a few seconds before he opened them and looked back at me.

I smiled. He's so sleepy it's adorable.

I got up and went to the cabinet beside the tv and pulled out one of our blankets. Then I made my way back to the couch where I laid down and pulled Danny down with me. He tensed up a little, shocked at what I was doing. As I put the blanket over him he relaxed over me and tucked his head between my neck and shoulder. I wrapped my arms around him, giving him a small kiss on the top of his head before I let sleep take me again.


When I woke up in the morning, I frowned at the loss of weight on top of me. I opened my eyes and looked around and Danny was nowhere in sight. There was a note on the table beside me though.

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