Emotions - Storm & Alex

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Description: Storm is a very special boy, his parents knew that the moment he was born. This is why they chose the name Storm. They knew wherever he goes for the rest of his life, he will leave a lasting impact. Along with that, they knew he would have a very powerful personality. What they couldn't predict though, was how special he is when it comes to love. On the bad days, he believes it's a curse, but when he thinks about it he knows it's a blessing. Whenever a lover touches him, he feels an overwhelming emotion. He figures whatever emotion he feels will help him, in the long run, find the person that is meant for him. But so far, every time his past lovers have touched him he's felt sad, angry, and even regret. It washes over him as soon as they hug him, put their hand on him, kiss him, any sort of touch. Even if he was happy, he will immediately feel the other emotion as soon as his lover touches him. He feels it until they stop touching. No matter how each lover made him feel when they touched him, he still stayed with them until they broke up with him. These feelings don't happen when friends, family, or even strangers touch him. It's only lovers. He isn't sure why he is like this. Slowly but surely he becomes more distant from lovers. He doesn't let them touch him that much, so he doesn't stay in relationships for long. And no one really wants to be with him because he's so distant in relationships. But one day, he gets into a new relationship. And the first time his lover touches him after they start dating, Storm feels the happiest he's ever been. (Around 4300 words)

Storm's POV

She grabbed my hand again and immediately my whole body was filled with a deep sadness. But I had to keep my adoring smile on my face and lace my fingers with hers.

"It's such a beautiful night."

I nodded, looking up at the stars, "It is."

She was silent for a few minutes before sighing and dropping my hand, the sadness leaving, "I've been trying really hard..."

"What do you mean?"

"I've been trying really hard to keep our relationship going but you don't seem as into it as you used to be... you never want to cuddle or hold hands. Or kiss."

I sighed, knowing where this was going, "I'm sorry, Luce."

She nodded, "People slip apart, I understand. Let's do this painlessly."

I nodded, "Let me walk you home though, I want to make sure you're safe."

She smiled, "Thank you."

I nodded again and we turned around and walked back to her house, with some space between us.

Yet another relationship that wasn't meant to be, ended by my girlfriend. This is only my third girlfriend, but I'm fifteen so I guess that's a lot. None of them have lasted longer than a month though. Bree broke up with me after a week and a half because I refused to hold hands with her. The emotion she gave me was almost like grief. Page broke up with me after three days because we fought a lot. She made me feel anger. And Lucy stayed with me for the longest which was about three weeks. Although she made me feel like I was deeply depressed whenever she touched me. I let her touch me more because she is a sweet girl and she loves being close to everyone. I hope one day I can find the one who will make me feel happy. I don't understand it though... I've liked all these girls. And I felt sad every time a relationship ended. But whenever they touch me I feel really bad, in different ways. I don't know why. And it only happens after we start dating. I wish this didn't happen.


"I'm sorry, Stormy, it just isn't working out."

I nodded, lowering my head, "I understand."

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