Paranoia - Joey & Sam

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Description: Paranoia-- a fun party game. How to play- everyone sits in a circle. Whoever goes first whispers a question to the person on their right. The person on the right must answer the question out loud. The trick is, no one else in the circle knows the question. Next, someone rolls a die. If it lands on a four or higher-- the asker must say the question out loud to the whole group. If it lands on a three or lower-- the asker doesn't say anything. And everyone in the group is left to wonder what the question was. And you go around in a circle like that. A group of teenagers at a small party decide it'd be fun to play. What could go wrong? What could go right? (Around 1300 words)

Third Person POV

The group sat in a circle in anticipation. The first person whispered a question into the person to their right's ear.

Gavin, the boy who had to answer, thought for a minute before saying confidently, "Yeah, why not."

This piqued everyone else's interest as the host of the party rolled the die. Much to everyone's disappointment it landed on a three. Gavin let out a small breath as the boy called out the number. He was relieved only the person beside him would know the question and answer.

On the other side of the circle, as things kept going, Sam Yuan was starting to get scared. He was a junior in a group of seniors. The person to his left is someone he doesn't know. Granted he only knows less than half of the people there, but it still worries him. His friends will get their friends to ask their questions. He has no idea what the girl sitting next to him is thinking about asking him.

"Kimmy," the girl being questioned stated nervously.

The host rolled the die and everyone smiled as he announced the number, "Five!"

The person who asked her the question smiled. "If you had to do something sexual with one of your friends, which friend would it be?"

Much to her embarrassment, everyone was laughing. Including Kimmy who was sitting right next to her. The girl's face was bright red as she whispered her question to Kimmy.

Sam wasn't paying attention to the game at that moment as he whispered to his friend Jenny beside him. "Do you want to switch spots?"

She looked at him, "Why?"

He smiled, "I'm nervous because I don't know the girl sitting to my left. What if she asks me something bad and then says the question out loud?"

Jenny rolled her eyes at her friend, "You'll be fine. It's just a game."

Sam sighed, knowing before he even asked what her answer was. He had to try though. He began to look around the circle, trying to see if there was anyone else who looked nervous like he did. He couldn't find anyone. Everyone was too focused on the game to seem worried at all. Well, besides one person. As Sam looked around, he made eye contact with one of the few other juniors at the party, Joseph Lemmings, or Joey. Sam smiled at him in greeting, he felt awkward just staring at him and not acknowledging it. Joey smiled back but there seemed to be something in his eyes. Sam couldn't put his finger on it.

But that emotion that was in Joey's eyes, was infatuation. Joey has been interested in Sam ever since the beginning of their high school careers. Although they don't talk that much, Joey knows a good amount about Sam and that only makes him fall so much more. Joey wishes he could confess to Sam. He is hoping the person on his left will ask him something so he can confess tonight, but he isn't keeping his hopes up.

Sam's turn came and went, the girl asked who he'd take to a deserted island with him. He answered 'Hailey', who is his best friend. The question was revealed but it wasn't a bad question so he wasn't bothered. Hailey, who was sitting a few people over, leaned over and gave him a fist bump.

A few turns later, it came to Joey. As the guy beside him asked his question, his eyes widened in shock. He wasn't actually expecting to be asked that question.

He hesitated for a few seconds, nervous that this would blow up in his face, but he answered, "Sam."

He said that looking straight at the other boy, who sat up straighter in shock at hearing his name.

Everyone was excited to hear this question as the host rolled the die once again.

"Six," he called out with a small smile.

Joey swallowed his nerves and kept eye contact with Sam as the boy revealed the question. "Who in this group do you want to ask out on a date?"

Sam's eyes widened and his face went bright red at hearing the fact that his crush actually wants to ask him out! Meanwhile, everyone let out small oohs as they looked between the two boys. No one knew Joey was gay but it didn't surprise anyone. Nor did it surprise them that Sam started to feel embarrassed and looked away to play with his shoelaces.

The game continued on, though. Joey asked the girl on his side a boring question that wasn't revealed. The game went on for a few more rounds after that. Some people left but Joey and Sam and their friends stayed through all of the rounds.

After the host announced the games were over, everyone stood up and dispersed out back into the party. Joey, though, went straight over to Sam.

He tapped his shoulder, making Sam turn around and get a red face right away, "Oh, h-hi."

Joey smiled and held out his hand for Sam to take, "Come with me."

Sam looked at him nervously and then his hand. He eventually took it and let Joey lead him through the crowd of people and out the back doors onto the patio. There was no one else out there and the stars were shining. This made Sam blush more at how romantic the moment seemed.

"Will you go out with me, Sam?"

Sam looked shocked at Joey, surprised he asked that question so suddenly.


Joey smiled and turned to face him, "It's okay if you say no, I won't hate you."

That made Sam laugh, "That's not what I was going to say... I just want to warn you... I've never been in a relationship before."

Joey grabbed Sam's hands, "That's perfectly okay. So?"

"Y-yeah... I will go out with you."

Both boys smiled at each other, looking into one another's eyes under the starlight.

It all seemed so perfect. So perfect that they couldn't help themselves. Joey began to lower his head down to Sam's height, Sam going on his tip-toes, to kiss each other on their lips. It was a small, swift kiss, but it filled both boys with joy.

When they pulled away Sam giggled nervously. That made Joey's heart beat faster, hearing the adorable noise from his boyfriend.

"Let's get back to the party," Joey said, holding his hand out to Sam again.

Sam nodded as he grabbed his hand and then they walked back into the party.

They got a bit of teasing from other people in their grade, their friends, and some seniors too, but they didn't mind. Both boys were so happy that they are finally with each other.

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