Tattoos - Seb & Austin

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Description: Everyone has a tattoo on their right-hand thumb. Do you know how it kinda looks like a chicken leg? The tattoos are always on the meaty part. Everybodys' tattoos are unique to them- plus one other person. Their soulmate. When everyone is born they have a black circle where the tattoo will be. When they turn seventeen their real tattoo finally appears. To make sure you are mature enough when you meet 'the one'. After both you and your soulmate turn seventeen, when you get near each other there will be pressure on your tattoo. This signals that your true love is near you. After you find each other, over time the pressure stops happening. Because you're around your soulmate so often. Seb and Austin are both sixteen. Their birthdays are within two days of each other, Seb's before Austin's. On the morning of their birthdays, they look to reveal a wing tattoo on their thumbs. Neither boy knows anyone with a wing tattoo. How will they find each other? How fast will it be? I guess you have to read to find out. (Around 3700 words)

*I actually wrote a whole story based on this tattoo soulmate idea so you should go check that out *hint hint*. It's a gxg romance

Seb's POV

"If you wanna find your soulmate quickly, just post a picture of your tattoo and ask if anyone is a match."

I rolled my eyes at my best friend since kindergarten. He happens to be a few months older than me and he found his soulmate right away. Considering it's our other best friend May.

"That makes it lose the magic, though."

He laughed, "I bet you twenty bucks your soulmate is a guy cause that sentence was so gay."

I huffed and May smacked the back of his head, "Leave him alone, he's right." She then looked at me and smiled, "Connor is also right though."

I rolled my eyes, "I know. Which is why I'm not gonna take that bet."

We all burst out into laughter.

Because of the whole soulmate system, you never know if your soulmate will be a boy or a girl until you meet them. So pretty much everyone considers themselves bi or pan or whatever. Me included. And honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if my soulmate is a boy. I'm actually kind of hoping they are. There's nothing wrong with girls it's just I don't see myself with a girl. I have no idea. Anyway though. Yesterday was my birthday and I went through the whole day very anxious to see if I'd feel the pressure on my tattoo. But it never happened. It disappointed me but there are lots of explanations as to why I didn't feel anything. I'm hoping it's just because my soulmate isn't seventeen yet though, and not they aren't in this school. Cause that'd suck.


Day two of knowing what my tattoo is, it's a wing by the way. More of an angel wing than like a bird's wing. It's pretty cool. But I'm so anxious. I really want to find my soulmate. But as I look around, a lot of people haven't even gotten their tattoos yet so I need to calm down. Maybe my soulmate is on the younger side... that's fine. When I think about it, I can wait... it'll be agonizing. But worth it when I find them. Ugh.

Currently, we're doing silent reading time or whatever the hell in English. A kid walked in, which piqued my interest because I low-key hate reading so I started to eavesdrop.

He said something and handed a note to the teacher, he read it and nodded, "Take any empty seat, I'll add you to the chart later."

The kid nodded and looked around before taking an empty seat in the far back corner. It's a shame he didn't take the empty seat beside me cause he's pretty cute. He has white hair, dyed, blue eyes, and a great jawline from what I can see from here. I haven't seen him around before... I wonder if he's new. He looked up and we made eye contact, my face went bright red and I got a weird feeling in my stomach but I didn't look away. He smiled a little and focused on the book that I didn't notice was on his desk. Damn.

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