Nightmares - Sacha & Cole

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Description: Cole and Sacha are best friends, they've been friends most of their lives. Recently though Sacha has been getting awful nightmares every night. He can never remember them but he shakes and sometimes cries in fear after he wakes up from them. To avoid the nightmares, occasionally Sacha will pull all-nighters-- to get a break. Although when he avoids sleep for too long, Cole notices. Cole knows Sacha gets nightmares a lot but he didn't know that Sacha would avoid sleep because of them. Cole has a suggestion on how to stop the nightmares, or maybe to be able to calm Sacha down after a nightmare. They try it and it works! Although, neither boy could predict the real outcome of the solution. (Around 6000 words.)

Cole's POV

I saw Sacha nodding off in our history class like five times. Something has to be wrong, he's been like this all week.

After history class was lunch so I pulled him off to the side before we went to the cafeteria together.

"What's wrong, Sach? You love history, why were you falling asleep?"

He avoided my eyes, "I've had trouble sleeping lately."

I sighed, "How long has it been since you slept?"

He stayed quiet.

"Sacha, come on. Answer the question."

He glanced at my eyes then looked away again, "A week."

I sighed and rolled my eyes, "You're an idiot, you know that?"

He nodded.

"Okay, here's what's gonna happen. You're gonna eat lunch then try to take a nap, I'll let you know when it's time to go to fourth hour. And tonight I am spending the night to make sure you sleep, okay? You have no choice in the matter."

I waited to see him nod before I dragged him to the cafeteria.

He ate his food pretty fast and then put his head on the table to take a nap. I looked at him as I ate, wondering how he is such an idiot that he went a week without sleep. How bad are his nightmares?

"What's wrong with Sacha?" Jenny asked.

I looked at her and deadpanned, "He's an idiot."

She rolled her eyes and smiled, "Duh, but what happened?"

I laughed, "Uh he's had trouble sleeping lately so I told him to take a nap when he was done eating."

She nodded.

Our other friend Hannah sat down, "Is Sach dead?"

"Yup." Jenny and I said in unison, making us all laugh.

I shook my head, "He's just tired."


Sacha's POV

"The alarm is set for six, so I expect you to get at least seven and a half hours of sleep, mister. Got it?"

I nodded, pulling the blankets up to cover my mouth, "Yes sir."

He nodded too before turning my lamp off and then laying down also.

I really don't want to sleep... the last time I tried to sleep I had a really realistic nightmare. I thought it was real. And I usually don't remember my nightmares but I remember that one vividly. At first, it sounds childish. I was sleeping when I got woken up by a noise coming from my closet. At first, I didn't think anything of it, I figured it was my cat messing around in there. But then I heard it again. It was as if someone was trying to hide in my closet but kept bumping the hangers. I watched my closet then. Hoping that Sunny, my cat, would come out and come swat me for attention. But that didn't happen. The noises kept happening. Finally, they stopped, but then I saw something. At around my height in the crack of my closet doors... there was an eye. A bloodshot eye. Staring right back at me. I was shaking so much I could hear my bed squeaking under me. I couldn't blink. I didn't want to look away, terrified that if I did he would be right in front of me when I looked back. But then I heard Sunny hiss, I looked and she was by my bedroom door staring at my closet. When I looked back everything went dark. Suddenly I was watching from someone else's point of view. I watched as the man dragged my bloody dead body into the closet. He looked me in the eye, then made his way to my parent's room with a bloody ax in his hand. Then I woke up.

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