Mystery Number - Theo & Carson

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Description: Theo and Carson are two average high school boys. They have a good group of friends, they're somewhat active, they eat too much and they cuss too much. Oh yeah, they're also both gay, but closeted. Theo has come out to his friends but no one else and Carson hasn't told anyone. They don't really know each other though. They have a few classes together but they never talk. Somehow they're always sat next to each other though in assigned seating. One day when Carson tried to text a funny joke to his friend, he accidentally sent the joke to a wrong number. That same day, Theo got a text from a random number that made him laugh. So he figured he needed to get to know the person on the other end of the phone. Let's see how that works out. (Around 5800 words)

Theo's POV

"Boys! Dinner is ready!"

"We'll be down in a minute!" I yelled back to my father who was downstairs.

I looked back to AJ who was sitting next to me because we were playing a video game, he rolled his eyes at me.

To which I laughed at, "What?"

"Your family and all the yelling."

I laughed again as I stood up, "It's easier."

He stood up with me, "How?"

"I can't ignore it and neither can my parents."

He laughed with me, "Very true."

"Yeah, now hurry your ass up cause I'm starving!"

He rolled his eyes at me again and we walked downstairs together. AJ and I have a good friendship, we give each other shit but we get along really well. And he's super accepting of me being gay. He's dating Sam, she's the only girl in our friend group but she fits in great. The whole group is me, AJ, Sam, Wyatt, Link, and Tony. AJ's real name is Alexader Jones but he hates both the name Alexander and Alex so he goes by AJ. I once joked with him and asked him why he doesn't go by Xander and he looked at me like I told him I came out to my family. Which, for me, is crazy. And Link's name is Lincoln but he hates it because... I actually have no idea. He never talks about it. I figure it's because Abraham Lincoln, he doesn't wanna feel like he's named after a president. I have no idea. I mean that's kind of why I don't like my name, Theodore... ew. Just thinking about it makes me want to puke. I way prefer Theo, it's more me.

"You boys ready for dessert?"

"Hell yes!"

"Theodore!" My mom whisper-screamed at me while smacking my arm.


"Watch your language!"

AJ beside me laughed and my mom glared at him, "You too, Alexander Jones."

Then I burst out laughing and my dad smiled a little. Eventually, AJ laughed again too and I saw my mom's lips quirk into a little self-satisfied smirk. AJ is like my brother, and I can tell that my parents think of him as a son. We've been friends since we were both in diapers.

As my mom brought out her amazing brownies, my phone buzzed so I checked it. It was an unknown number.

?- What's green, fuzzy, and would hurt if it fell on you out of a tree?

?- A pool table

I laughed out loud and AJ looked at me questioningly. But once my mom put the plate of brownies down on the table he forgot about me and began to stuff his face. I grabbed two beforehand so he wouldn't eat them all.

Me- Bro that's hilarious but you have the wrong number

?- Oh my god I'm so sorry

Me- Lol it's no problem. Did you come up with that?

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