Detention - Joey & Aaron

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Description: Joey Miller is the school's basketball jock. He always wins the games and takes his team to nationals. Well. Almost always. With one slip up in his temper, he got kicked off of his team and sent to detention for two months. And that's a long time. Enough time to form a new friendship. And maybe a little more? Aaron Watts is the school's misfit or outcast. He doesn't talk to people, he doesn't take part in classes, and he's barely seen or noticed. One day, though, he tested a teacher's patience and got detention. His sentence was detention after school every day of the week for the rest of the year. Four months. How will their detentions line up? Why would they start talking? What will become of all this? Read to find out. (Around 2340 words)

Joey's POV

"Come on! It was an accident!"

"I know, Joey. But it was a serious accident. You can't go around breaking people's noses because they insult you. Especially not during a game!"

"But coach, he called me a fag. And more. You heard him!"

"I know, son. I'm sorry. But along with no longer being on the team, the principles and I had a conversation. And we all think it's best for you to take some time to think and calm down. So you also have detention, every day after school, for the next two months."

I just sat there. Mouth gaping. They can't do this!

What happened was, I missed a shot and a guy from the other team whistled to get my attention and shouted, "Hey, fag! Drop the ball already and get on some tights and a tutu! Go where you belong!" I lost my temper, and I punched him. But everyone heard him. And all he's getting is a stern talking to. That is stupid! And so fucking unfair.

"Now get on home, I'm sure traffic isn't gonna be the best what with the rain. Your detention will start after the weekend. I hope to see you around."

I nodded and we stood up. He shook my hand and I walked out.

This is not happening...


Aaron's POV

"Aaron, you haven't answered a question in a while. What is the answer to this problem?"

Not happening.

I stayed silent, staring at her. A couple of kids laughed, thinking I don't know the answer. But Ms. Jones was not amused. Ha, oh well.

"Aaron, come on. You have to participate, it's part of the learning experience."

"No thanks."

Everyone was staring at me now. Oh well. I'm not budging. I don't do that. And I definitely don't say more than five syllables in one class period.

"Mr. Watts! You will come up here and answer this question, and the next three, or you will go straight to the principal's office. I will join you after this period ends."

I didn't even hesitate. I stood up, grabbed my bag, and walked straight out of the door.

As I got further down the hall, I heard some kids giggling.

They stopped immediately when a very angry voice said, "Would you like to join him, Mckenna, Avery, and Josh?"



"Okay Mr. Watts, they are ready for you."


I got up from my seat in the office and walked down a hall until I saw my school's principal and Ms. Jones. I opened the door and closed it then sat down. I was immediately met with a very angry teacher and a ticked-off principal.

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