Parking Lot - Braydon & Eli

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Description- Eli is a relatively quiet person. He doesn't talk more than he needs to but he's not what you'd call shy or socially awkward. He just doesn't like talking to a lot of people. Especially because most people make fun of him for being smart. Braydon, however, loves talking to people. He will talk to anyone and everyone he can because he's a people person, he isn't popular though just... well-known. Both boys know who the other is and they've talked a few times but not a lot. One day they both go to the store, one taking his time and the other in a rush. An accident will happen. Will that bring them closer together or stay how they are? Read to find out. (Around 4000 words)

Eli's POV

"Ok, mom, I'm leaving! I'll be back in a bit!"

"Okay, honey, be safe!"

"I will!"

And with that, I grabbed my keys and left the house to go to the grocery store. My mom is always busy with work and my dad is on a business trip. So this week and the next it's my job to get us groceries using my mom's list of what we need. I don't mind it though. It gets me out of the house and moving, which I'd like to do more but I'm lazy so I need someone to make me leave the house. Eh. Oh well.

Once at the store, I parked a decent ways away from the door but not too far and I headed inside to begin my shopping.

Braydon's POV (slightly before Eli's)

Shit shit shit shit shit. I can't believe I forgot my dad's birthday! How the hell? I swear I had a notification set on my phone but it didn't fucking go off! I have thirty minutes to run in, find a present for him, buy it, and then get back home before he does otherwise I am dead. Twenty of those minutes include driving so I better haul ass.

"Mom, I'm taking your car real quick!"

"Okay, honey, drive safe!"

Gotta go gotta go gotta go!

Finally, I arrived at the store and ran in and into the men's section. I'm just gonna get him a new work shirt or some shit. I don't have time to get something thoughtful. A few minutes later I went through self-checkout with a blue striped shirt and I got into my mom's car and let out a breath.

I'm not out of the woods yet though.

Without looking to see if anyone had parked near me, I backed up and rammed straight into another car.

I groaned, "Shit!"

I reparked and grabbed a pen and paper and looked at the damage of the car. The car was small compared to my mom's so the dent was decently big. My parents are going to kill me. At least our car is fine. I quickly wrote down my name and phone number and apologized for the damage. I told whoever owns the car that I will help pay for repairs. And then I hauled ass back home, more carefully this time, and got home a few seconds before my dad did.

At least one thing went right.

I looked at the size of my dad's shirt, and groaned, "Shit. He's a medium and I grabbed a small."

I spoke too soon.

Eli's POV (an hour later)

I walked outside with my cart full of groceries. And some sweets for my parents and siblings that I paid for with my own money.

Today's a good day.

I spoke too soon.

As I walked up to my car I saw a huge dent in the front of it, crushing one of the headlights.

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