Flower Boy - Matt & Nick

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Description: Nick O'Donald is a seventeen-year-old gay boy in his senior year of high school. He's pretty much got the formula for going through high school peacefully at this point. First things first, love yourself and don't care what anyone else thinks of you. Don't let the bullies get any pleasure out of being mean to you and they'll go away. And stay out of drama as much as you can-- sometimes it's impossible to stay out of it but don't go looking for trouble. Matt Rose is also a seventeen-year-old gay boy in his senior year of high school. He has a formula for going through high school without getting into any trouble also. Though, it is slightly different than Nick's. Have respect for yourself but don't become a narcissist. Don't be mean to the smaller and weaker kids, they haven't done anything wrong. And don't let yourself be entertained by drama. Both boys are very similar, however, they have different ranks. Nick is an average kid, not popular or a nerd. Matt is a popular kid. Not only is he popular, but he is also captain of the football team. There is also another difference between them. Both boys are gay, yes, but unlike Nick... Matt is not out. To anyone. Yet. (Around 3700 words)

Nick's POV

I sighed internally as I leaned my head on my hand. Why does English have to be so dull? I looked to my right and smiled a little. I sit alone in the back row of my English class with a sporty popular boy and he has the right idea. He has his arm laid out on the desk with his head resting on it and he's asleep. I wish I could fall asleep in weird positions. But alas. I was not blessed with that talent so here I am- bored as hell in the back of the classroom with no one to talk to.

I sat there for ten more minutes, zoning out while staring at my blank notebook laid out in front of me. But then I got an idea. I sat upright and looked over to Matt, aka sporty popular boy. I saw his notebook was on the side of his desk closest to me and open. He had some notes written down but then he probably gave up and decided to nap. Oh well. More fun for me. I leaned closer to his desk, making sure no one noticed me moving, with my red pen in my hand. And drew a small sunflower in the side margins of his notes. Because he's a smart person and uses the Cornell notes format or whatever. After I drew the first flower, I went back to sitting normally and was surprised when I didn't see him wake up. You'd think he would have noticed someone hovering next to him for a minute.

Maybe five minutes later, I carefully moved back so I was next to him and drew a daisy next to the sunflower. This time, I accidentally bumped him as I was doing a finishing touch on the flower and he slowly brought his head up. I was still leaned over so I smiled awkwardly, finished the detail, and moved back to my seat. I watched him look at his notebook and he let out a small laugh, then looked over at me and smiled. I smiled back, my cheeks pink from getting caught, and then acted like I was focusing on the teacher. I actually just zoned out for the millionth time that hour.

When the bell rang, I jumped slightly but happily packed up my stuff in my bag and got up to run to sixth hour. But then I saw something when I looked over at Matt. Around my two red flowers in his notebook was a little meadow of a bunch more blue flowers. Some even overlapped the notes he wrote down, clearly not caring about whatever he wrote. He was trying to cover it with his hand as he got all of his stuff together but I already saw it. I smiled to myself as I walked away.

I see you, sporty popular boy. Your last name fits you.

Matt Rose.


The next day by the time it reached fifth hour, I had my plan all set.

First: Write my phone number on a piece of paper. Already done. (Yes, I wrote my name on it. I'm not gonna make him guess or awkwardly text me without knowing who he's messaging.)

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