Crop Tops - Eli & Adam

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Description: Eli loves wearing crop tops. He wears them almost every single day. Adam loves seeing Eli in crop tops. But sometimes he gets very possessive and he needs to show everyone who Eli belongs to. (Around 1300 words)

Adam's POV

Eli smiled and speed-walked over to me, "Adam!"

I smiled back, pulling my adorable boyfriend into a big hug, "Eli! How was your vacation?"

Eli's family takes super random vacations. In the middle of November, they'll randomly decide to go to Alaska or some shit. But they never go anywhere for holidays. This time they went to their cabin up north for a small family reunion and some time away from work and school.

"It was a lot of fun but I wish you could have come with," he pouted as he hugged me tighter, "I missed you!"

I laughed as we pulled away, "I know, but you know my parents. If you guys would go places during breaks from school, I'd go!"

He fake glared at me, "Hush."

I pinched his cheek, causing him to let out a cute little laugh, "Let's head to homeroom."

He nodded, linking his hand with mine and leading the way.

I smiled as I looked at his outfit for today, light blue skinny jeans and a white t-shirt.

"Why aren't you wearing a crop top today?"

He smiled back at me, "What? You miss checking out my stomach?"

I rolled my eyes, "Me? Never!"

He laughed, "Sure. Um, I just felt like wearing a normal shirt today... and..."

"And what?" I asked, curious at why he led out his sentence like that.

"Well, it was nice at our cabin so I got a tan... and..."

I smiled, knowing what he meant.

But I wanna tease him a bit.

"You don't want to show off your new tan?"

He huffed, his face turning red, "You know what I mean!"

I laughed and nodded, "I do, but I wanna hear you say it, baby."

It took him a second but he leaned close to me and whispered, "I want to show you my tan before anyone else sees..."

I smiled, "Good. Want to come over to my house after school?"

He nodded, his face still red, "Yeah, you ass."

I smiled more as I kissed his cheek, "You love me!"


"Huh, no one's home."

Eli's face went red as he glared at me, "Just because no one else is here, doesn't mean you can get up to any funny business."

I laughed as I put my hand low on his hip, "When have I ever done that?"

He continued to look at me skeptically and not say anything. I quickly lowered my hand and squeezed his butt lightly.

He gasped and smacked my hand away, "We're outside!"

"Wanna take it inside then?"

He rolled his eyes at me and walked in.

"Want anything to eat?"

He shook his head, "No, I wanna go snuggle!"

I smiled, "Okay, let's go to my room so you can wrap up in blankets."

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