His Girlfriend - Zach & Noah

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Description: Zach Jones is dating Amanda Feigh. Everyone knows this. Amanda Feigh is the captain of the cheerleaders and Zach Jones is a great basketball player on the team. Everyone also knows how close Zach is to his best friend, Noah. Who is usually considered a nerd but he is also on the basketball team. Everyone knows their relationships with each other. Or at least they think they do. (Around 2560 words)

*I low-key hate this story but I made a small edit to make it less awful lol

Noah's POV

"Want to hang out with us at my house, Amanda?" Zach asked his girlfriend as we all walked out of the school's gym and to the guys' and girls' locker rooms.

She shook her head, "No, I need to shower, and then my mom wanted me to go shopping with her. Maybe another time."

He nodded, "Okay, tell your mom I said hi."

She smiled and kissed his cheek, "Of course. See you later boys."

As Zach watched her walk into the girls' locker room, I looked at him sadly. Not for long though so he didn't catch me. We then headed into the locker room where we took quick showers and then changed into normal clothes.

"I gotta bring my bag back home and then I'll head over to your house." I said as we walked out into the parking lot to our cars that were next to each other.

He nodded, "Sounds cool. Hey, want to spend the night? On my way home I can rent some red box movies."

I smiled, "Sure. I'll pack a bag then before I go over."

He smiled back, "See you in a little bit."

We then both got into our cars and he pulled out first. As we turned in different directions, I let my giddy smile take over my whole face. I love it when we get to spend time together, just the two of us. And watching movies usually consists of laying in his bed comfortably. And I get to sneak glances at him because it's dark and he's too into the movie. If you can't tell already... I like Zach. He's my best friend, I know... but I can't stop these feelings. They snuck up on me one day and now they're here to stay. I'm never going to tell him though because he has a girlfriend. Amanda is nice enough but I wish I was in her place in Zach's eyes. I wish I was the one that kisses him goodbye. But I guess I'm content enough to be his best friend. It does hurt like hell sometimes, but it's fine. I'm used to it.


"Why're you so quiet?"

"Hmm?" I asked as I looked up from my pizza that started to get cold after all I did was stare at it.

He looked at me worriedly, "Are you okay? You seem out of it."

I nodded, faking a smile and taking a bit of my cold pizza, "I'm okay."

He looked at me skeptically for a few seconds before shrugging, "Whatever you say, want to start the movie now?"

I smiled, "Sure."

He smiled back and we threw away our scraps of pizza before heading up to his room. We were sitting on his bed, covered in blankets, and leaning against his wall while watching the movie. And I was so tired, I felt my eyes closing for longer and longer every time I blinked. My head started to fall so I shook it. Soon after, I felt my eyes seal shut and my head fell onto something comfortable before I fell asleep.

Zach's POV

I noticed Noah was having trouble staying awake and I was going to ask if he wanted to go to sleep. Then I felt his head fall onto my shoulder and I didn't have the heart to wake him up or move him. He looked so peaceful. And as much as I hate to admit it because he's my best friend and I have a girlfriend... he looks so beautiful and kissable. I've had feelings for Noah for a while now but for the most part I've been ignoring them. Because I mean... it won't happen. I couldn't do that to Amanda. And I don't even think Noah thinks of me like that. We've been best friends forever.

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