Damon & Toby

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Description: When a new student arrived at a school and noticed one kid was always alone, he got curious about him. He asked around, and his heart broke when he heard the reason the boy was always alone. With that information, he was determined to help the boy. Even if it meant he too would be an outcast in the school. No one deserved to be treated like that. (around 5000 words)

Toby's POV

"Move over, loser," a girl said before she shoved me out of her way.

That was where it went downhill.

She pushed me into someone else's way, that person was a very tall boy who was talking to his friends. Not even pausing his conversation, he put his hand on my head and shoved me down and away. After that probably ten more people pushed me out of their way until I finally fell down next to some lockers where, luckily, no one was standing.

That was a typical day for me. I stopped saying sorry when I bumped into people because they didn't even listen, they automatically just shoved me away or pushed me to the floor.

I sighed and rested my head back against the lockers and watched as people walked by. 

I hadn't had a single peaceful day at school since middle school. I was a senior and I got pushed around by everyone in every grade. I was just a piece of trash in their way, and usually, when they pushed me out of their way I got into someone else's way and it kept going until I got slammed on the floor or against lockers. No one helped me and I accepted that eventually. After I got pushed around I usually waited until the halls emptied out a little to go to my class. Sometimes I was late because of that but I was a good student so my teachers didn't get too upset.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a tall boy with bright purple hair walk through the front doors of the school.

I knew I shouldn't look, otherwise, he might have seen and gone over and hit me, but it was too pretty to ignore.

When I looked at his face I was surprised. I hadn't seen that boy before. Was he new? Or maybe I just hadn't accidentally gotten in his way or run into him yet. He looked lost though and went up to a girl and after a second she pointed towards the main office. There was a new student to push me around, great.

Suddenly he turned his head and we made eye contact. I felt my whole body get pale even though he didn't know me. I was terrified he'd get angry and come over and punch or kick me. That happened many times. But instead... he smiled at me. A genuinely kind smile. I was too shocked to do anything back before he went into the main office.


Damon's POV

"I'm Jackson, are you new here?" The boy I sat next to for my first class asked me.

I nodded, "Yeah I moved into town yesterday. Oh, I'm Damon by the way. Nice to meet you."

He smiled and nodded, "You too. Your hair is sick, by the way."

"Oh, thanks."

People at that school seemed pretty nice. I was upset I had to leave my last school but at least that one didn't seem too bad.

My first class was science, and it wasn't my favorite subject so it felt really long. 

The whole day felt kind of long, but it was mainly because I arrived in the middle of units so I had no idea what most of the teachers were teaching. But it went fine. Jackson was in a few of my classes, and I talked to some other people in my other classes. Everyone seemed friendly. Until I noticed this one boy. It was the same boy I saw sitting against some lockers that morning. I don't mean to say he was running around being a rude asshole, quite the opposite actually.

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