Eyes - Axel & Wes

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Description: Everyone has heard of soulmates. And whether you believe it or not, you have one somewhere in the world. In this world, you can find your soulmate by their eyes. Seems simple enough. Unless you have a popular color combination like blue and brown or brown and violet. So there is another way you can tell if a person is your soulmate or not. On first meeting when you make eye contact, everything around you becomes blurry. The only clear image is your soulmate. And on that eye contact, your eye color switches to what it would have been at birth. If the combo is brown and violet, one person has brown and the other has violet. You can choose to be with the person, but each day denying your love will cause a bigger void in your heart. Axel would never deny his love for his soulmate. But he is nervous for when he meets them and what color his eyes will turn. His color combo is red and brown and he is very worried his eye color will be red. He gets constant bullying because red is the rarest color and he is the only one in his school that has a red eye. That he knows of. People call him a freak when he has one red eye, he can only imagine what hell he'd go through if he had two. Wes isn't scared at all. He thinks having a red eye or both red eyes would be amazing, whether he has them or his soulmate has them. He has never seen anyone in his school with a red eye though, that's the problem. People have tried to bully him but he sticks up for himself and the bullies say it's not worth it. Both Axel and Wes go to the same school. But they've never heard of each other before. (Around 4200 words)

Axel's POV

"Oh look, it's the lone demon boy."

I rolled my eyes and continued to look down as I walked to my locker. A daily routine I've picked up since I was eleven, I'm almost seventeen now.

"Axel!" I heard as a quick squeal before I got attacked.

I laughed a little, "Hey, Sara."

She let go of me and I got to look into her violet and blue eyes, a somewhat rare combo, but not as rare as having a red eye.

"You gotta keep your chin up! Those guys are assholes and jealous they aren't as special as you."

I looked down, she gives me that lecture every day. I know I should be proud... but so much criticizing gets to you.

I sighed, "I know but you know it's tougher than that."

She sighed and patted my shoulder, "Yeah. But hey, it also means you will know exactly who your soulmate is when you meet them."

I nodded reluctantly, "Yeah."

If I meet them.

"Now come on, we're gonna be late to class!"

The bell rang and I slammed my locker shut and we ran to homeroom. Mr. Wilson always acts like he's mad at us when we're late but he knows how I get treated. His wife has pink eyes and they both got hell for it for a while. The combo was pink and blue until they met each other, now he has blue and she has pink. So he understands me. Sort of. Pink is rare but there's a good amount of them, I've seen around three other people with red eyes. But they're all adults.

"Axel, could I have a word with you after class?"

A couple of people made the 'ooh' sound but he quieted them down and I nodded as I sat in my seat next to Sara in the back.

Today is going great.

After class, I waited in my seat until everyone left. I was about to get up but Mr. Wilson stood up and came and sat in Sara's seat next to me.

"Are people still giving you trouble?"

I looked down and nodded.

"Look, I know it's hard but you have to ignore them. I'm sure you get this lecture every day by your parents and friends, but those boys are just jealous. It's harder to find your soulmate if their colors are more common. They're jealous that when you find someone your age with brown and red eyes it'll probably be your soulmate."

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