Cold - Leo & Blake

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Description: Leo is a shy boy -- even more so when he's around someone he likes. So shy he can barely talk to anyone else when his crush is around. Blake likes Leo, he thinks the boy is adorable and innocent. But he gets disappointed many times because the boy never talks to him -- he acts cold and ignores him, barely even glancing at him. He knows that Leo is shy but he talks to other people, it seemed like he was the only person the shy boy didn't like. (Around 1600 words)

Blake's POV

I looked over to my right, feeling someone looking at me, and I saw Leo. He quickly put his head down for a few moments before looking at our friends, paying attention to their conversation.

I scratched my head.

Ever since we met he had always been a little cold to me. I knew he was a quiet person but he never answered me when I talked to him. And if he was smiling with his friends, or laughing, as soon as he saw me he'd stop.

I had no idea why he disliked me... and it made me sad.

Before I met him I had seen him in my classes and in the halls and thought he was so cute. He had black wavy hair that was always falling into his face -- he did the cutest head shakes to move it. His hazel eyes were mesmerising and I always tried my hardest to be able to look at them as long as I could before he noticed and looked away. He was a few inches shorter than me and I wished more than anything that one day he'd stand right in front of me and look up at me. So I could see his eyes up close.

God, I was so whipped. Even though he didn't like me I liked him more with each day.

"Hey, Blake?"

I looked over at Amy, "Yeah?"

"You're the tallest, could you go get me a bandaid out of the cabinet in the bathroom? Leo can show you where it is."

I sat up straighter at the mention of his name.

His eyes widened as he looked at Amy, "W-why? He can find them himself."

I deflated a little.

Amy rolled her eyes, "Just show him, he doesn't even know where the bathroom is -- do you Blake?"

They both looked at me and I was stunned, it took me a minute, "Oh, no I don't."

"See?" Amy said, "Now go."

He just nodded and stood up, mumbling something about if only he was a little taller.

That made me smile as I stood up and followed him.

We got to the bathroom and I walked in, he stood in the doorway, "Uh, top shelf of the cabinet."

I nodded and reached up, at the same time trying to think of a way to start a small conversation.

After I grabbed the bandaids though, I watched as Caden came up behind Leo and shoved him a little, closing the door after.

Leo stumbled and tried to open the door, "Let us out!"

The knob wasn't turning. I figured they locked us in or someone was holding it from the outside.

"No way, you guys have some stuff to settle," Caden shouted through the door.

"What?" He asked, "Come on, let me out."

He tried so hard to get the door open... it kind of made me sad.

Did he really dislike me that much?

I set the bandaids down on the sink and kind of backed away, standing as far from him as I could -- to try to not make him uncomfortable.

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