Transgender - Brandon & Danny

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Description: Brandon Myers is your average high school boy. Or at least that's what everyone else thinks. He has a secret. No one except his closest friends knows. He was born a girl. Brandon is transgender, with a very accepting family, so he was able to start his transition early on in life. He got on hormone blockers right away, and he got on testosterone on his sixteenth birthday. He's had a binder since he was fourteen. And after he started his transition, he went to a new school where he was only known as the new boy, Brandon Myers. He was shorter than the average boy at 5'6" but other than that no one thought he was weird. He did get a deeper voice later than the other boys and never used the school bathrooms or went into the locker room for PE but no one thought twice about it. His life is going well and smooth, but once he gets a boyfriend, he runs into a problem. He has to tell him that he is trans, and hope he won't freak out and tell the whole school. Simple. (Around 6700 words)

Brandon's POV (13 years old)

"Okay. Come on, Brandon, you can do this. You got this. Okay..."

With one last final pep talk to myself, I left my bathroom and walked shakily downstairs. My parents and baby sister were hanging out in the living room. I got to the bottom of the stairs and looked at them. My dad was sitting back in his recliner, watching the news. And my mom was sitting on the playmat with my little sister Elle who was playing with a red toy car.

I took my tenth deep breath in the past two minutes and walked over to them, "Can I talk to you guys?"

My mom looked up at me and smiled, "Of course honey, sit down."

I nodded and sat down next to Elle who immediately began playing with my fingers, and my dad paused the tv.

"What's up?"

I looked down, "Um so you know how for the past few days I've been asking you guys if you're okay with gay people and stuff like that?"


"There was... there was a reason I was asking."

My mom put her hand on my knee, making me look into her kind eyes, "Honey, you can tell us anything, you know that."

I nodded but hesitated a few more seconds, "I'm transgender."

There was silence for a minute before my dad spoke up, "And what exactly do you mean by that?"

I nervously looked at him and he didn't look angry or disappointed so that was a good sign, so I explained, "I don't think I should have been born a girl... I should have been born as a boy because that's how I feel. Being called a girl and dressing and looking like a girl feels wrong."

I looked between my parents who nodded but were staying quiet.

"We will always love you, no matter what. You are our child."

I smiled lightly, "Thanks, dad."

"What would you like us to call you then?"

The butterflies came back into my stomach, "Um... I've been thinking about it for a while and I think I want to be called Brandon. And I really like how it sounds to be called a boy and a he."

My mom smiled, "Brandon is a good name."

I smiled back and nodded.

"Let your mother and I talk for a little bit and we'll talk to you again about this, okay?"

I nodded, "Okay."

** (15 years old)

"Are you ready for your first day at the new school, honey?"

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