Drawings - Angel & Kian

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Description: Angel Anderson is your average quiet 17-year-old boy in high school. For the most part. He dresses in jeans and t-shirts with the occasional hoodie. They do live in Wisconsin. He also acts normal. He isn't very outgoing, he isn't the school shooter type, and he also isn't the druggy type. He is a very exceptional artist though. Most of the time he sits in class doing nothing but drawing. He participates sometimes, talks to people if he feels like it or if he needs to, and he isn't super smart or stupid. He is out as gay though. Which makes a specific closeted gay boy somewhat jealous. Kian Davis is the same way. Sort of. Not popular, not weird, not a genius, not an idiot, and in no way does he stand out any more than an average 17-year-old boy. He is also gay, but he is not out. He wishes he was like Angel though. (Around 2850 words)

Angel's Pov

Another day, another whole hour to stare at the back of this beautiful boy's head and sketch him. It's a good thing that I can easily pass science. Hell, I could skip school for a month and come back and still be passing this class. This is the only class I allow myself to completely tune everything out. And Mr. Nelson knows I pass easily so he never calls me out for not paying attention in class. So that's good. I spend so much time staring at Kian... if I was at home I could draw a detailed sketch of him in ten minutes. Only his back and the back of his head though. I wish I could memorize in detail his facial features but it'd be weird for me to stare at his face whenever I got the chance... so I stick to being as discrete as I can. Even though everyone knows I'm gay, even Kian probably. But if he knew I like him... I have no idea what I'd do. I mean, he's straight... so that would be bad.

And there goes the bell signaling my extra drawing class-- I mean science. Haha. I looked up from my desk where I was staring off into the distance thinking about Kian... yes I know... I'm obsessed... oh well. When I looked up, I saw the familiar mop of bleach blonde hair sitting in its usual spot, in its usual position.

The thing I've noticed about Kian over the course of this whole semester is he does the same thing every day. He walks in and plops down in his seat. Wearing dark jeans, random masculine-colored long sleeve shirts, and his red sneakers. His hair is always a perfect mess swept back by his hands every five or so minutes. He always has a cute smile on his face when he first walks in. It's only on the corners of his lips which makes it even more adorable. And when he sits, he slouches back at first, always spreads his knees out in like a "man spread". During the second half of class (usually notes time), he sits up straight and messes with his hair more. Almost like it's his fidget. And then every day when the bell rings he jumps a little and takes his time to put his things away. He never seems to be in a rush to get anywhere. He's also super tall so whenever he passes by me I find myself glancing up and then blushing. Once or twice he saw me and smiled a little, but that's all that happens. I want to talk to him, but there aren't any chances to. Plus I'd start being super awkward and shy and clumsy. That always happens when I talk to someone I like, it sucks.

"Okay class, today is one of the more boring days. Yeah yeah, I know. Every day is boring. Today we're going to be taking notes, mostly for the whole hour, on chemical bonds..."

This is where I tune out. I usually spend this time by deciding how I should draw Kian while the teacher blabs on. My style varies from sketchy, professional, big, small, detailed, abstract, etcetra. Today I'll make it more abstract and sketchy. It is Monday, after all. Gotta get warmed up.

As everyone grabbed their notebooks to take notes, I grabbed my sketchbook. And I began. I always start with his shoulders because it's easier to do them when I can see them relaxed in front of me. His shoulders are broad, and squared off. When he's relaxed and he's leaning against the back of his chair, they become more broad-looking. This is when you can actually see how big his arms are. He clearly works out, and you can probably guess how much I've tried to envision what he looks like without a shirt... and I may or may not have tried to sketch it before. But back to my work. I usually work on the ruffles in his shirt to make them exact but since I'm going for abstract I just drew a couple of lines. I made them look more like folds but I didn't try too hard. Then I went to his neck. When turns his head I can see his adam's apple (he has an amazing silky and deep voice) but I draw him looking forward. The neck is easy to draw, it's the hair that's tricky. I always need to get it perfect, even if I am doing it abstract. I need to capture it correctly and not just do random lines in swirls. The hair near his neck is on the shorter side but not shaved, and it gets longer until you get to the top of his head. That's where long wavy hair comes out of his head and flows back seamlessly. I can see his ears a little, but the back of his head mainly consists of long, almost snow white, wavy hair. His hair contrasts so nicely with his skin. He's fairly tan, for living in a very cold state, so the bleach blonde hair pops out more and makes his skin look darker.

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