The King and his Servant - Jake & Theo

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Description: Every king has a queen, but not always do the king and queen get along. And not always does the king want a queen, he may want a king. King Jake has a queen, but it was an arranged marriage and they couldn't even be considered friends. Jake has no need for her but they must stay together for publicity reasons. The king happens to have his eye on someone inside his own castle. Theo is Jake's servant, he does everything for the king. Theo has feelings for the king but of course, he never does anything because that would be absurd. A king cannot be with his servant, especially a male servant. Or can he? (Around 4000 words.)

-Smut (I am highly embarrassed for writing this lol)

Theo's POV

"Will that be all, sir?" I asked politely, keeping my eyes down.

"Yes, thank you, Theo."

I nodded and excused myself from the room.

As I walked back to my room, I let out a deep breath. I assisted King Jake to get undressed after his busy day and I drew him a bath. He asked me to stay with him, which wasn't unusual. But he is very good looking and it is hard to not look at him, and even harder to try not to blush. After his bath, he had me help put his robe on and then let me leave.

When I got to my room I closed my door behind me and started to unbutton my shirt. I need a bit of a chilly shower to calm myself down.

I turned the water on and got undressed and hopped in. I stood under the water for a few moments before beginning to wash. And did the same thing for a few minutes once I was done. Then I turned the water off and got out and began drying myself.

I walked out of my bathroom after I finished drying myself, my towel wrapped around my waist. But when I was about to turn back around to shut the bathroom door, someone pulled me against their chest. They put their hand over my mouth and their arm around my stomach to keep me still.

I let out a small muffled scream and tried to get away. The person was too strong though. I could tell from his hands and height and build from me being pulled against him, this was a man. Who-- I wasn't sure.

"Who are you?" I tried to yell out but even I could barely tell what I said.

He stroked his hand across my stomach, "Shh."

It was strangely calming but I was still confused and slightly panicked. 

Am I about to be murdered?

He kept his left hand over my mouth but his right hand roamed over my body. After I stopped struggling, he moved his hand from my stomach to my shoulders, then the back of my neck. He took his time feeling my skin. It... I'm not going to lie, it felt good. Relaxing. My heart was beating out of my chest. From fear or excitement, I'm not sure. Maybe both.

His hand went over my chest, I flinched a little when his rough skin went over my nipples. I heard a small laugh come from his mouth next to my ear. He stroked my stomach a few more times then moved his hand to my side. His hand then went lower onto my hip, over the towel. That was when I remembered I am one small fabric away from being completely vulnerable to this man. My heart thumped faster in my chest. He lightly blew into my ear, causing me to shiver. 

As all of this was happening, my hands weren't even restricted. My arms were hanging at my sides, limp. 

His hand moved over where the towel was tied on my hip, and I had a second to prepare myself before it was untied and fell to the floor at my feet. I shivered as the cold air hit my lower body. His warm hands kept exploring. He rubbed my hip for a little bit and then he moved his hand very close to my penis, before moving his hand back and grabbing and massaging my butt. I couldn't help the small moan that fell out of my mouth. Nor could I help when my head fell back against the man's chest when my senses began to feel too stimulated.

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