Sleepover - Eric & Tommy

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Description: Eric and Tommy are best friends. They do everything together. A lot of people joke to them and say they have chemistry and their bromance is "soooo cute!". Both boys usually laugh it off, knowing they are joking and they aren't actually into each other. Or that was as it seemed. One night when they were having a sleepover, the air mattress broke so they had to sleep in Tommy's bed. Nothing they hadn't done before, but that was when they were younger. It was different now. But, once again, they shrugged it off. But when Eric has a nightmare and tries to get to the closest safe space available, Tommy, what will happen? (Around 2900 words)

Tommy's POV

R- Awwww, u having a sleepover with ur boyfriendddd?

T- You know we're straight. It's just a normal sleepover we have all the time. Chill

R- Suuuuuure ;)))

T- Rach... I am serious

R- Don't get your panties in a twist, I know ;)

T- *sigh* why am I friends with you?

R- Because ya loooove me!

T- True true. Lol I'll text ya later, bye

R- Bye, have fun with E!

I rolled my eyes. Everyone makes fun of Eric and me and say we are dating or we like each other. I mean, I won't lie and say there's nothing between us. But nothing's gonna happen. I'm not mad at people (basically all our friend group and mine and Eric's parents) for saying stuff. But it gets a little irritating. I have feelings for him. I don't know how much. But I know I have some. But, as I said, nothing is gonna happen with us. We're bros, nothing more.

Now. Enough of this depressing ass topic, I gotta go to Target and red box and get movies and snacks and shit.

Eric's POV

E- I've been having dreams, Rach... I don't think I should go over tonight.

R- What kind of dreams? Like... the tmi kind? Cause if so, that's normal. You like him. It's okay, E.

E- No, like nightmares. Of him finding out and hating me. Calling me a fag or beating me up... or worse... just walking away and ignoring me. I can't handle it. I'll be weird tonight

R- Eric. Listen to me. Tommy is a great guy, we both know that. We've all been friends for forever. He won't beat you up because he loves you, whether platonically or not. He won't call you a fag, he isn't homophobic and he's listened to us shipping you two for years... he would have said something by now. And he won't ignore you, to him that would be worse than beating you up. And you know it. You both do. It will be okay. Go to his house tonight, tell him or don't, either way, it'll be okay. I promise.

E- Thank you

R- It's no problem. I love you, weirdo :)

E- I love you too, dork :)

R- Now stop texting me and get ready! Gotta look hot, hotter than usual. *wink wink* *nudge nudge*

E- Lol okay, calm down. Bye

R- Bye. Good luck!

After I stopped texting Rachel, I started to pack my bag to go over to Tommy's house.

Tommy is my best friend, I'm so much closer to him than I am with anyone else in the group. I tell him everything. Well. Everything except that I'm practically in love with him and terrified for when he finds out. People have been shipping us for a long time, our friends and even our parents say we'd be cute together. They also call us boyfriends. I wish. But he isn't gay. Our friend group consists of six people. Me, Tommy, Rachel, Zach, Lilly, and Ben. And Ben's girlfriend who occasionally hangs out with us, her name is Isla. I'll go down the list of how they all act about Tommy and me.

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