Dream - Nick & West

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Description: For about a year now, two boys have been connected. Not how you'd think. They're connected through their dreams. One boy, West, for example, will go to sleep. He will start out having a normal dream but as soon as Nick goes to sleep, he will go to West's dream. They lucid dream, they know they are dreaming and can kind of control what happens but not much. In these dreams they get to know each other, they have fun, and they fall in love. They are never able to get out details like where they live or their names while dreaming. So they enjoy their time together while asleep and during the day they wish they could be together. One day West wakes up with a very important piece of information though. They may not have to wish to run into each other anymore. (Around 5000 words.)

West's POV

"Hey, West?"

I turned around, "Yeah?"

Lindsey, a nice enough girl from my grade, was standing behind me. She looked slightly nervous so I had an idea what she was going to ask me. I saw my friends glancing between us, wondering (even though they know) how I'll answer her question.

"I was wondering if you wanted to come to my house sometime to watch a movie?"

I gave her a small smile, "Sorry, Linds, I'm not interested."

She nodded, "I figured-- just thought I'd shoot my shot."

We waved goodbye and then she left. Then my friends started hounding me. This happens pretty often.

"You're an idiot, man! Lindsey is one of the cutest girls in the school!"

I shrugged, "I don't like her like that. You should ask her out."

Ryan rolled his eyes. "It's not that I like her, it's that you reject cute girls all the time for someone who. Hell, we don't even know who it is because you never tell us when we ask."

Alex nodded.

Well, how the hell am I supposed to tell them the person I'm in love with is someone who I've only ever seen in my dreams? They'll immediately tell me that person is just part of my imagination. But I know he isn't. He's real. I just haven't found out how to find him while I'm awake yet.

"Because it's private."

"And we're your best friends, we know everything about you. Except this."

Alex laughed and put one hand on Ryan's shoulder then his other hand on my shoulder, "Calm down you two. This is the dumbest thing to get riled up about."

Ryan glared at me lightly before quickly rubbing his hand through my hair, messing it up, "Fine, I'll drop it."

I stuck my tongue out at him as I fixed my hair. Not one minute later though as we began to walk to our first class we burst out in laughter.

"So how long do you guys think West is gonna be a girl magnet?" Alex asked us.

I shrugged while quickly dodging a small freshman who ran past me.

"They only like him cause they wanna find whoever is 'good enough' to be with him," Ryan said, shoving my shoulder.

I rolled my eyes and smiled, "No matter how many of them I tell that I already like someone, they keep asking me. If I liked one of them I'd have asked them out by now."

"Yeah but they're hopeful. According to most girls in our grade, you're suuuuch a hunk!"

I fake gagged, "Never say that again, Alex."

We all laughed.


The world transformed from me driving on the highway to an empty park that I didn't recognize. Tonight I got pulled into his dream.

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