Soulmate Clock - Will & Ben

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Description: When you turn 16, a clock appears on your wrist. Not just any clock though, it isn't a watch. A clock that gives you a countdown to the moment you meet your soulmate. It could be 5000days 23hours 10minutes 01seconds. 0days 12hours 02minutes 44seconds. Or even 05minutes 22seconds. Once the countdown gets below 5 minutes, your heart leads you to the place you will meet your soulmate. And when the timer reaches 0, they will be right in front of you. The clock does not discriminate so your soulmate could be the same sex. You won't know until you meet them. Ben is a very popular guy in Lakeview High School, everyone knows him. And everyone hopes that he is their soulmate. But at age 17, he still has not met his soulmate, his clock is getting lower though. Will is not a known person in Lakeview, he has a small group of three friends, and all of them have found their soulmates. But he is almost 17 and he has yet to meet his soulmate, his clock is ticking down though. Ben and Will have never met before. Ben doesn't know who Will is and Will knows who Ben is but he has never had a class with him or crossed paths with him. What will happen when one day they sit next to each other at a pep rally and they look at their clocks and see 0seconds? (Around 3800 words)

*I got the inspiration for this story from a Tumblr post I saw on Pinterest, the image at the top of the chapter is the post. So... yeah. I thought it'd be cool to make a gay version. Woo!

Third Person POV

At 7:00 am every morning, Will wakes up, and looks at his soulmate clock and groans. Then he waits five minutes and then gets ready for the day. That's his morning routine every day. His 17th birthday is coming up in a week and he is feeling discouraged that he hasn't found his soulmate yet. Obviously, he can look at the clock and do some math and see he will meet his soulmate before he turns 17. But he likes being dramatic.

Today was different though.

He woke up at his alarm on a Thursday morning he thought would be like every other day. But when he looked at his clock he almost screamed.

30hours 30minutes 10 seconds

He had forgotten how low his clock was.

He sat up faster than he has before in his life and smiled and whispered out loud, "Holy shit..."

I'm gonna meet them tomorrow! I'm gonna fucking meet them tomorrow! Finally! I can't wait to tell my friends!

He raced up and got dressed, brushed his teeth, ate breakfast, and he was about to run out the door when his mom caught him.

"Woah, what's going on, honey? Where's the fire?" She giggled a little.

Will let a big smile appear on his face, "I'm gonna meet them tomorrow!"

He showed his mom his wrist and her face broke out into a big smile and she hugged him, "I'm so happy for you, honey!"


At the same time, Ben was on the phone with his best friend Matt, "Dude, I'm so pumped!"

Matt laughed, "I bet you are. Today's gonna go by so slow for you."

He groaned but still had a smile on his face, "It'll suck but it'll be worth it. If my math is correct, I'll meet them during the pep rally tomorrow."

"Bro, why do you keep saying 'them' and not 'her'?"

Ben sighed, "Because you know how it works, it could be a boy."

Matt rolled his eyes but Ben couldn't see because it wasn't a facetime, "Yeah yeah yeah."

"Okay dude I'll see you in a little bit. I'm about to head out."

"K, see ya."

And Ben hung up and ran out into his car. He could not get rid of the ridiculous smile that was on his face.

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