Dangerous? - Cas & Adam

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Description: Cas is an average high school student except he has -you know- powers. Basically. He has the ability to "see" how dangerous a person is with a number scale of one to ten above their heads. A toddler would be a one, while a skilled soldier with a firearm may score a seven. One day, he notices that the quiet kid in the corner of his homeroom class has a ten above his head. That is the first time he's ever seen a ten above anyone. Cas, being the concerned boy he is, decided to befriend the quiet kid, Adam. He figures if he befriends him, he can prevent something bad from happening in the school. You never know what could happen, after all. But Cas was very shocked when he got to know Adam. And began to be very curious how a boy like him has a ten on the dangerous scale. (Around 5100 words)

Cas' POV

"Uhuh," I said distractedly as I looked casually around the room. Low-key ignoring my best friend's ramble about how she saw a hot new guy in her neighborhood over the weekend.

I'm just glancing at everyone's numbers on top of their heads. Wondering if any of the 'rebels' managed to get higher numbers than a two or three. That's a big no. And they wonder why I'm never scared of them. Ha. I looked around some more. Jenny still has a three, the teacher still has a seven because he's a veteran. Mac with all of his tattoos is still sitting at a fairly high five. In this school, no kids usually get over a four, but he has the highest score. I'm not worried though, as long as I don't find a way to get on his bad side. I continued looking around but stopped in fear when I got to the corner of the room. Sitting alone in all black, with headphones on, his eyes closed, and a whopping score of ten. Adam Lee. Oh my God. How have I not noticed that before? How could I have never noticed a ten on top of his head? I have never seen a ten before!

"Cas. Cas! CAS!"

I shook my head and looked back at Jenny, "Huh?"

"You look freaked the fuck out, what's up? Also, you ignored my whole one-sided conversation with you!"

"U-um, it's nothing. Hey, I have a question."


I motioned my head to the corner, "Do you know anything about Adam?"

"Who?" She asked as she looked over at him.

She studied him for a minute before looking back at me, "Not really. Why?"

I shook my head, "No reason. I just thought he seems kinda lonely."

She laughed, "One thing I do know is he probably prefers it that way."


She shrugged in reply and went on her phone. I looked back at Adam. How could he have a ten? How could he have a higher number than a war veteran? It doesn't make sense.


Okay, I have a game plan. I'm going to try to become friends with Adam. I've been studying him for a while and he seems nice enough. Maybe if I become friends with him, I can see why he has a ten. And if he really is that dangerous of a person, I can make sure he doesn't do anything bad at the school. You can't blame me for thinking he may become a school shooter. Anyway. I'm on my way to school right now, it's Monday, I'm tired. But when I get into my homeroom class I'm gonna sit down next to him and try to start a conversation. Fingers crossed he won't punch me or cuss me out. I have no idea what to expect.

I got into the room and saw he was already in his seat in the corner. Jenny was off with a random group of girls on the opposite side of the room. I knew she would be though because I told her I wouldn't be sitting with her today. Here goes nothing.

I walked over and sat down at the desk next to Adam. He had his earbuds in but he noticed me and gave me a confused look. It wasn't a rude look, just one that was like 'um... why are you sitting next to me'.

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