Fallen Angel - Eno & Pax

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Description: Enoteb, or Eno for short, is your average perfect and innocent angel. An angel, that was too afraid to do anything in life that could send them to Hell. So here he is in Heaven, well, kind of. He spends most of his time on Earth watching over those he loves. At first, it was the people he left after he died, but then as they died he began looking over their descendants. He wishes every day that something exciting could happen to him. But he isn't sure if he would take part in it if it threatened to send him to Hell. He knows once he becomes a demon, he can never go back to Heaven. Paxlisaon (he goes by his full name or Pax) is the complete opposite of Eno, but then again he isn't all that different. He loves causing trouble and doing whatever he wants to just for the hell of it. But while he was alive he was tamer because he, too, feared he would go to Hell when he died. But after he died and became a demon and went to Hell, he realized it wasn't nearly as bad as he thought. He let loose and became the way he is now. He is usually down in Hell, hanging with his buddies, but occasionally he will go to Earth for fun. He doesn't have anyone to go find on Earth though so he wanders random streets until he feels like going back. Both boys have seen each other on Earth, Pax always gets intrigued when he sees Eno. But Eno always looks away from Pax and walks away quickly. One day, Pax catches Eno and talks to him. It all goes downhill from there. Or does it? (Around 6400 words.)

*The time for this story is weird. So Eno and Pax died in or around the year 2020. Not from the coronavirus. The time the story takes place is like 400 years later. So this is around 2420? Idk. It's weird lol, bare with me.

Eno's POV

I smiled as I watched my brother's great great great great grandson blow his four candles on his birthday cake. He has a big smile on his face. All of his friends and family around him are smiling too, the adults are taking pictures. If only my brother were here to see this. But I try not to think about him. Too much.

I stayed at Binnie's birthday party just long enough to see the family take group photos and all that jazz. There were a few other angels at the party, but they didn't talk to me. I'm used to that though. Many angels from my family that I see (I don't see many) don't talk to me because of my brother. I don't know how, but somehow I'm linked with the bad things he did. I've always preferred staying to myself though so it doesn't bother me much.

The rest of the day I walked around the city that I grew up in. I went by where my schools used to be, where I went to work, and the old jail where my brother was held. I used to visit him every day. He was my twin, it felt like my responsibility. Now I still visit it, remembering the times. They weren't pleasant memories but they were memories nonetheless. Going to jail every day to visit my homicidal brother was the most exciting and 'rebellious' thing I did in my life.

There's that demon I see occasionally. He always looks at me like he's... calculating me. I don't like it. For the most part, angels and demons stay away from each other. But it is not unheard of for a demon to make an angel stray from the good to the bad. An angel can turn into a demon but once you are a demon, there is no way to go back to heaven.

Shoot. I've been looking at him for too long.

Deciding it was time to go home, I turned back around to find the doorway back to heaven. Once I got home, I plopped down on my bed and sighed. Being perfect twenty-four-seven is exhausting. But I do not want to become a demon. I don't want to suffer for the rest of eternity. Heaven isn't a walk through the park, but it can't be worse than Hell. Up here I deal with snobs and constantly trying to be perfect, but down there is fire, anger, sadness, and torture. I'd rather be here than there. Definitely.

Pax's POV

I see that angel every time I come up to Earth. I wonder if he comes up every day. Or, I guess for him it would be down not up. I've never actually met him, only seen him from afar, but I can tell he is very insecure. Probably one of the super innocent angels that don't know anything about the world. He probably died young and recent. Even though I dislike those types of angels (they annoy the shit out of me), I can't help but feel intrigued by him. He always runs away from me after he spots me, so usually, I try to hide so I can observe him. I've thought of going up to him but I've held myself back because I feel like he'd pee himself.

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