Bus Seat - Grant & Sean

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Description: Grant Hudson is the school's bad boy. Everybody knows that if there is a space open on his seat, even if no other seat is available, you cannot sit next to him. Not just because people are afraid of him, but also because he doesn't allow it. He either has his bag or feet or legs in the seat to keep people away. Especially on the bus. It's an unspoken rule that everybody at Fury High School knows. All except, Sean Williamson, Fury High School's new student. Being 15 and not able to drive yet, he needs to take the bus. And when there are no other seats on the bus than beside the mysterious boy with shades and beats headphones, he sits in that one spot next to the school's most dangerous boy. But is he actually as dangerous as people say he is? (Around 5600 words)

Grant's POV

God, I hate the bus. It's so packed with people and loud, even in the morning when everyone should be tired. I can't wait until I get my license. At least no one talks to me though. I can thank the one time I beat the shit outta some kid for that because now everyone is afraid of me. Some people may think of that as a bad thing but I prefer it this way. People can be annoying and I've gotten hurt enough by peers. Now I'm mostly untouchable. But anyway, I always sit alone, no one has dared to sit next to me in years. Well except two guys, they were new kids, each in different years, they tried to sit in my seat but I blocked it off. One of them sat next to me for a little bit but just because the bus driver yelled at us for holding up his route. The next day the kid stayed in the back, away from me. I heard people whispering something about me being in a gang and how I've murdered people before. Man the things some people come up with. But yeah, few people dare sit next to me on the bus or in classes or at lunch. I'm just making my way through high school though, then I'll move to New York for college. And I'll stay away from this small town where nobody has anything better to do than spread rumors.


"Mr. Hudson-"

"Please call me Grant, Mr. Wilson."

He sighed, I do that every day, "-Grant. Please come up here and answer the question on the board."

I nodded and went to the board and began solving the problem. As I finished and turned to go back to my seat, a boy walked into the room. He was tall, had light brown hair, brown eyes, freckles all over his face, and had a sort of nerd look going on for him. He looked nervous. We made eye contact, which I quickly broke and went back into my seat.

"Very good, Grant. Ah, you must be a new student. Name?"

"Sean Williamson, sir."

Mr. Wilson laughed, "No need to call me 'sir', it makes me feel old. I'm Mr. Wilson. Would you like to say some information about you to the class?"

"Sure." He turned to face us instead of Wilson, "Um I'm Sean, I just moved here from Minnesota. Uh, I like art, like drawing and painting and stuff."

"Thank you, Sean. You may have a seat now, sit anywhere you like. I'll add you to the seating chart later."

He nodded and started for the back. I looked over to my right and saw the seat next to me is open, as usual, but he doesn't know it's not open. So as he got near me, I put my bag on the chair. He looked at me like he was trying to figure me out for a second. But then he took a left in the row in front of me and sat next to a random girl. I don't know her name but I also don't really care.

I feel like he may try to ruin my dangerous persona.


Sean's POV (Short and kinda sad)

"I'm home!" I said while slamming my front door.

"Hey bro how was school?"

I walked into the kitchen to see my older brother putting away all our dishes and stuff in the cabinets.

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