Homeless - Miles & Isaac

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(Around 5300 words)

Miles' POV

I sighed, walking into the boys' locker room.

I hope no one comes here early again today. The other day one of the football players came early. He saw me using the shower and yelled at me while I was bare-ass-naked to get out. I flipped him off and kept showering, making him get mad and then leave. Nothing really happened. But it was annoying.

Luckily, I walked into an empty room and left an empty room after I showered. Then I went to the benches in front of the school and read my book. This has been my routine all school year. School started in September, it's now the end of November. My whole daily routine is even more fun. Shower in the locker rooms in the morning, wait until kids get to school, go into school to get breakfast. Go through the school day making sure to finish as much homework as I can at school. Then I wait at the benches till the buses leave and I walk back to my little shelter in the woods. Sometimes I make a fire if it's cold. If it rains I'm fucked and I'll probably get a cold after but that hasn't happened yet. Then I sleep and do the same thing the next day. On weekends or days where there isn't school, I usually stay in my little area in the woods. I don't need anyone to find out about my secret.

I've been homeless since the Fourth of July when I stupidly came out to my parents as gay. They gave me an hour to get my shit and get out. I don't really have friends, I have acquaintances, so I had nowhere else to go besides here. No one ever comes in here because people say it's haunted. In the '70s there was a serial killer in our town and he killed people in these woods and left the bodies. There were like eleven victims. Since then no one has ever wanted to come here. I almost want to thank that guy, because I don't have to worry about people finding me. Anyway.

I live here and I got fired from my job for not being on time because now that I'm homeless I don't have a car. So I spent any and all savings I had over the summer getting myself food and things from the store to keep me clean. Since school has started they've been letting me get free breakfast and lunch. They think I just have it rough at home so they're helping me. They don't actually know I'm living in the woods behind the school by myself. I shower and brush my teeth in the guys' locker rooms during the week. On weekends I use wipes to clean myself and I keep water bottles from school to 1) drink and 2) use to brush my teeth.

It's not a great living situation but it's what I have.

Also, I can't afford a phone or any electronics of any sort. So I have to do all of my school work at school if it's online (which most of it is). I do have my old-fashioned alarm clock that doesn't need wifi or to be plugged in so I wake up on time for school. I brought it from my parents' house.

There are the buses. I can head into the school now. I don't have any work that needs to be done so I get to "relax" today.


"New seating chart today, make sure to check the paper in the front to see where you are." Mrs. Laker repeated like twenty times as each kid walked into the classroom.

Seating charts are annoying. I have a very specific place in classrooms that I like sitting at but I never get placed there. Oh well.

I checked the paper and saw I was in the second to last row on the very left of the room. The desks are set up in pairs and my desk buddy is Isaac Morgan. He's a nice guy. Attractive, not an asshole like most attractive guys in this school are. We've gone to the same school our whole lives so we know each other but we're not friends or anything. We talk occasionally. I'm not mad about this seating arrangement.

A few minutes after I sat down, most kids were in the room already, Isaac came in. Mrs. Laker apparently wasn't there to tell him about the new seats because he looked very confused. Until someone told him there's a new seating chart in the front. He looked it over then walked over to me and sat down in his seat.

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