Fights - Eric & Benny

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Description: Benny and Eric are buddies. They have been ever since freshman year of college when they were roommates in the college dorms. The next year they decided to rent an apartment together. That's where they still live in their third year of college. Eric is a bit of a troublemaker and Benny is a chill person, they get along pretty well though. Of course, they fight over stupid things any roommates or friends fight over but they get over it fast. Occasionally Eric comes home with different bruises or cuts from getting into fights. Benny is used to it at this point so he always sits Eric down immediately and helps clean his wounds up. Benny has never seen Eric in a fight but he knows Eric is a pretty good fighter so he never worries. Until one day Benny sees Eric about to fight people. A group of people. Benny cannot fight well at all but he knew he needed to help so Eric wasn't too outnumbered. Read to find out what happens after that! (Around 5200 words)

Benny's POV

"Dinner's ready, Eric!" I called as I heard the front door open and close.

When I didn't get an answer I rolled my eyes and turned the stove off. Then I went on a hunt to find wherever my newly injured roommate is.

When I walked into the living room I saw him sitting on the couch. His head resting back on the couch and his right arm cradling his left side. That can't be good.

I grabbed the first aid kit before sitting next to him, "Didn't win this one?"

He shook his head, "The jackass had a bat. I didn't even notice until it had already hit me."

"How's your side?"

"Bruising," he said with a small laugh.

I rolled my eyes, "Glad you still have your sense of humor. Lift your head, let me see the damage."

He did as told and I saw some blood coming from the left corner of his lip and his left eyebrow. Not the worst condition he's been in.

I used some tissues to clean up the blood and put some stuff on the small cuts to make sure they wouldn't get infected.

"Take off your shirt."

He laughed, "At least buy me dinner first."

"You want help or not?"

He smiled at me, "I' kidding. I may need a little help getting it off though."

I nodded and set the kit down and helped him get his shirt off.

I looked at his side, and it's too early to tell how bad it is-- but I can tell there will be one hell of a bruise there later.

"Is that the only place he hit you with the bat?"

Eric shook his head, "He also hit the back of my knees to make me fall, and then he had the nerve to fucking whack my ass."

I laughed, "I should give that guy a high five."

Eric stuck his tongue out at me.

"Do your knees hurt?"

"Nah, he didn't hit me that hard those times. My knees may be a little scraped but that's all. He gave it all he had on my side though."

"Well let's get you an ice pack and then you can eat dinner."

"What'd you make?"

"Mack n cheese."


I rolled my eyes, "You're such a kid. Need help getting to the kitchen?"

He shook his head and stood up, still cradling his side, "I'll be fine. Thanks, man."

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