Party - Henry & David

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Description: Henry is your average male teenager that's out as gay. He dresses normally, has a good group of friends, and has good grades. He also gets a few hate comments a week, and has a hopeless crush on his grade's class clown and all-around perfect boy. David is that eleventh-grade class clown and all-around perfect boy but he has a secret. He happens to have a crush on the same boy that wishes he didn't have to like him. Neither of them knows the other likes them so that makes things interesting. Especially when Henry goes to David's party. And you know anything can happen at a high school party. (Around 3500 words)

Henry's POV

"Hey, Hen!"

I turned around and saw my group of friends I've been waiting for. Dillan texted in the group chat that they had a question for me.

My group consists of me, Dillan, Max, Callum, Reese, and Payton. Reese and Payton are girls and the rest of us are guys.


"Wanna go to a party with us tonight?"

I looked around and everyone looked at me with pleading eyes.

I shrugged, "Sure. I haven't been to one in a while, might as well."

Everyone cheered and I rolled my eyes, "Now let's leave this hell hole."

Max put his arm around my shoulders, "Aw, don't sound so sad. We all know you love school for one reason."

I rolled my eyes and shoved him away as everyone laughed, "Shut the hell up."


On our way to the party, I realized something.

"Hey, Cal. Whos party even is this?"

He glanced at me through the rearview mirror and smirked, "Which of you would like to inform him?"

Immediately I got a bad feeling in my stomach.

Max, right next to me, wiggled his eyebrows as he swung his arm around me, "Your one true love."

I groaned and banged my head against my seat, "David's party? Seriously?"

Callum, Max, and Payton (who was sitting in the passenger) seat burst out laughing.

"You guys are the worst."

"If only Dillan and Reese saw your reaction, that was great."

At this point, everyone else stopped laughing but Max was doubled over in his seat.

"Why do you hate me?"

"Aw, Henry, we don't hate you. We're trying to help. Because as blind as you may be, everyone else can see how much he likes you."

"Why do you keep saying that? He doesn't."

Callum scoffed, "Yeah right. He spends practically all of English class staring at you from across the room. And I know for a fact that Reese has caught him staring at you during lunch too."

My face went red as I mumbled, "Liar."

Does he actually stare at me?

Why does that make me so self-conscious?

"Well, too late to bail cause we're here."

As the car stopped, everyone stared at me waiting for me to crack.

Finally, I sighed, "Fine I'll go in. But I'm not doing any stupid-ass party games. Hell no. That is a recipe for disaster."

"Fine, we won't make you but we can't control Reese."

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