Ship - Josh & Nolan

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Description: No description because I can't be bothered to write a decent one lol. (Around 1860 words)

Nolan's POV

"Hey!" I giggled, "Eyes on your own paper."

He leaned over 'sneakily' to look at my answers, "I am, what do you mean?"

I laughed again and shoved his shoulder with mine, "Get away, cheater."

"Fine," he said finally.

I thought he was going to stop goofing around then and actually do his homework -- I should have known better.

A few minutes later, without warning, he quickly leaned over and drew a big smiley face on the corner of my paper.

"Josh," I whined, "why?"

Before he could answer, someone behind us whispered, "Psst."

We looked back and saw my two friends looking at us with smirks.

"Get a room already," Nick said while Ethan tried to laugh quietly.

I felt my face get hot and I didn't know how to reply so I just stuck my tongue out at them and quickly turned back around in my seat.

They always had to tease us...

I couldn't help the small smile that went onto my face though.


"Who're you texting with a big smile on your face?" Ethan asked me.

That was my only warning before my phone was snatched away and all of my friends had a few seconds to look at my texts.

"Give it back!"

"Ooh, who's Joshy?"

My face went red and I laughed, trying to grab my phone away from them, "No one."

"Ooh, someone is flirting! Oh my god, just bang already, you two!"

I finally managed to grab it away from Ethan and I made a face at my friends, "How much did you read?"

Nina nudged me, "Why? Is there more flirting?"

"Or sexting?" Nick butted in.

I rolled my eyes, my face flaring red, "No, idiots, shut up. And stop shipping us."

They all laughed and Ethan put his arm around me, "Buddy, even his friends see it. You guys just gotta kiss already."

I shoved him away, "Shut up..."

They finally left me alone and I read through our last few texts, hoping they didn't see anything. Though, by how they were acting, I didn't think they did.

J- Hey

R- What's up?

J- Nothing really

J- I'm bored and miss bugging you ;)

R- Lol its only been a few days since you last saw me, shut up

There were lots of similar texts. Flirty... but nothing bad that they shouldn't have seen.

Thank gosh.


I held my stomach a little, "I'll be back guys, I gotta go to the bathroom."

Nick looked at me as I stood and saw my arm, he laughed, "Need to take a shit?"

I rolled my eyes, "Thanks for announcing it to the whole table."

All of my friends laughed, including me a little, and I made my way out of the cafeteria and to the bathroom. Though, once I got out of their view, I stopped holding my stomach. I didn't actually have to go to the bathroom. I was... meeting someone.

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