Love Hate - Aaron & Theo

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Description: For as long as anyone in their grade, including them, could remember -- Aaron Thompson and Theo Miller hated each other. They were always at each other's throats, and no one knew exactly why. Not even the two boys themselves. Though everyone was sure they hated each other equally -- that was not the truth. In fact, one boy didn't hate the other at all. He loved him. (Around 7000 words)

Theo's POV

"Stop staring at him, you know he'll just come over here and start something."

I looked away, trying to keep all emotion off of my face.

"Why do you guys even hate each other anyway?" Tara asked.

I just shrugged.

Henry laughed, "We better drop this topic. Someone's grumpy."

"Hardy har," I said.

My friends knew Aaron and I didn't get along.

That was actually putting it lightly -- they knew we hated each other. 

They thought so anyway.

"I'm tired of seeing his face, I'm gonna go to class already."

My friends waved me off and I left to go be by myself.

It took everything in me not to look over at the boy in question as I walked away.

Aaron Thompson. A whopping six feet and two inches tall, with brown hair that fell perfectly in place, smooth skin -- not a single bit of acne, and crystal clear blue eyes.

Compared to my whole five feet and eight inches, with light brown hair constantly in a bed head state, skin covered in freckles, and one brown eye and one green eye.

We had never gotten along. I was the kid that always got teased and he was one of the kids that always did the teasing. Never anything too bad. My eyes were the reason mostly, plus I looked like a "nerd" through elementary and middle school. That wasn't why we hated each other though.

I actually wasn't sure why we hated each other, to be honest.

Yeah, we were opposites. He was on the more popular side and didn't care much about his grades or getting in trouble. I had a handful of friends, but I wasn't close to them, and I cared about my grades and tried to stay out of trouble for the most part -- like a normal person.

Another thing we didn't have in common:

He hated me.

I was in love with him.


Mr. Banks' history class. Both my favorite and least favorite class. 

I liked history well enough but what made it both great and awful was who was in the class.


On good days he was able not to find a problem with me and I could sneak glances at him. If he caught me, I'd roll my eyes and act cool and hoped he wouldn't shout.

On bad days he found lots of problems and disrupted the class and got us both in trouble because I had to fight back.

On average days he found maybe one problem, or he didn't find one till he caught me looking at him.

My friends weren't in the class to catch me looking at him either which was good.

Sadly, that was a bad day.

He scoffed as soon as I walked into the classroom, "Miller, could you be wearing a lamer hoodie?"

I glanced down at my favorite BTS hoodie and clenched my fists.

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