Roller Coaster - Adam & Eli

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Description: Just a random impromptu State Fair date. (Around 2280 words.)

"Why am I letting you guys make me do this?" I asked my so-called friends as I stared up at the huge drop of the rollercoaster from the line.

Reece laughed, "Because you gotta take risks dude, and this is the last hurrah before we all go off to college. You have to."

James nodded, "Also you gotta stop being a wimp."

I fake glared at them and they laughed.

We're all just kidding and having fun but I am terrified of rollercoasters... and these assholes are making me go on the biggest one here.

"How many?"

"Three," Reece told the worker.

She nodded, "Two of you in row three." Then she looked to the line and kind of shouted, "Do we have any single riders?"

It took a second, and I was beginning to hope I wouldn't have to ride! Reece and James went to row three and I was ready to go to the exit and wait for them. But then a guy raised his hand and made his way to us.

She gestured to us two, "You guys go in row four."

I nodded nervously and went to that row, the guy behind me.

I was too nervous to even process who the guy was until Reece and James started talking to him.

"Hey, Adam, where's Jake and them?"

The guy beside me laughed, "They were too scared to go on here so we'll meet up later."

James chuckled, "Eli is terrified too."

I glared at my friends and then it processed in my head who they were talking to. I glanced over at the guy and sure enough. Adam, one of the popular boys and the cutest boy in my grade. Oh God, he's gonna see me pee my pants...

He nudged me lightly, "There's nothing to be scared about, it's just a rollercoaster."

"I hate the feeling of falling, especially at high speeds." 

Reece snickered and I smacked his arm, "Shut up."

Out of my peripheral, I saw Adam smile down at me and I felt my cheeks heat up.

Too soon, we were next in line and the next empty coaster stopped in front of us.

I shakily got in, followed by Adam. The people came by and put our safety things on and made sure they were tight. I was fucking shaking in my boots.

As the rollercoaster started to slowly go up the huge hill, I felt like I was about to have a heart attack. I was terrified and that overruled any pride or reputation I had.

"Can I please hold onto you?" I asked Adam, panic clear in my voice.

I couldn't move but I saw him smirk out of the corner of my eye, "Only if you spend the rest of the day with me."

"Sure! Just please!" I said as I quickly latched myself onto his arm and clenched my eyes shut tightly.

I heard him chuckle but any embarrassment was immediately flown away as I felt the rollercoaster stop at the top and then plummet what felt like a million feet.

I think I might have passed out or blacked out because, after the drop and a loop, all I remember was us stopped and Reece and James were laughing at me for being stuck to Adam.

I was finally calm enough to let go and I glanced at Adam's eyes for a second before looking down at my hands, "Thank you."

He smiled and elbowed me lightly, "No problem, man. Remember our deal though."

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