chapter 1

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Zoya ( POV )

Past and Future are quite unpredictable things. Now you may want to correct me by saying that past is not unpredictable...we know what happened in past....future is unpredictable.

But when your past decides to show up in your becomes unpredictable. In brief seconds your whole existence may crumble around you and you wouldn't have any power to stop it. You can just watch.

When your past tries to be your future hells breaks loss. And hell has broken loss for Sen family. Sen family has always been in white light for me. I can never imagine that sen family was involved in any type of wrong work and true they were not involved. But every family has their past and well even sen family has its fair share of shady past. 

To be where it is took a lot of sacrifice from a lot of people. Many faces in the dark waiting and now I am scared. unknow faces in the dark trying to hurt us from various ways , trying to break us from everywhere and I feel so lifeless. 

As I look at my daughter sleeping in her crib I am waiting for the only help source who can help us , who can pull us out of the gloom. Aditya's mother is seriously ill, she is in bed and now can't move at all. In a car accident we lost....we lost khushi. 

Samsher didn't eat anything out of sadness and in his depression he died leaving his son saruh with us who has grown up like his father now. we didn't get khushi's body so Arnav was hopeful that we might find her but now after three years even he got dishearten. He lost khushi , his beloved pet and his friend. 

No Samrat is alive but few years ago an allegation came on him that he might have stolen large assets from the company , secretly sold some of our property and might be involved in the accident which caused death of my father in law. All I believe were wrong accusing but he is so silent ......he is in jail . And honestly I dont know why he is so silent about everything. who is he trying to protect and why ? 

Arnav is barely alive....we all are just surviving. The company is facing some serious losses , Aditya joined the company again to help Arnav. I know how much he hates working their but he will do anything to help his brother. I can see glimses of old Aditya whom I met when I was here for the first time and I dont like that Aditya at all. My love life is in danger to....I am losing the man for whom literally I am alive, my daughter is not getting the love she deserves. 

All she is getting is silence of the house and silent cry of the bungalow which was once home . This morning I shouted at my workers for nothing...I am even losing myself . Even drop of emotion drained from the house , I now know how a person gets connected with you and when they are not with you anymore how empty you feel. Arnav is carrying a fire within which can burn everything around it. 

Khushi's parents just lost their daughter. But looking at Arnav's condition they didn't do any of her last works still believing that khushi will be back . Laxmi is again taking care of her father's company. She helped Arnav as a friend to walk out of his gloom and forced him to work but that's it. Other than work he lost interest in life. 

Not that laxmi is doing well herself , In that accident she lost her fiancé but looking at her parents she somehow pulled herself together. It was laxmi's wedding day , since the groom forgot something ....khushi went with him to get it. so ,  Khushi and Ranveer sen [ laxmi's fiance ] were last to reach the hall ....we called but no one picked up. soon came the news that khushi's car lost balance and it fell from the cliff. 

I still remember it pure disaster in the hall Arnav and Aditya rushed out ,  Khushi's parents and my mother in law needed serious medical help and I was heavily pregnant to do any running. I still remember that hard look on laxmi's face , with calm face and red eyes she told the guest to leave the hall, called for doctors and ambulance , helped me eat something....all in her wedding lehanga. 

She pulled a brave face that day and till now she is trying  to handle everything but I know how broken she is . I have seen her cry in the dark , she is still in therapy and still trying to survive. we all are trying to survive. I am truely grateful for my daughter but I couldn't celebrate anything , no function , no ceremony is done anymore in this house anymore. And I dont know who to blame for such faith. 

" Bhabi....." sahara pulled me out of my thoughts. She sat beside me with a long face. In absense of khushi she is our family doctor. " Any improvement ?" I asked her. " Still same...hardly eating anything , crying and saying ' I should have known that , sin never forgives ' can you tell me why she says like that ? " She asked me and seriously even Aditya doesn't know about that. 

" The person who could have known is not here with us sahara. And in his absence our lives have turned for worst. " I told her and her eyes filled with tears. " You don't believe he did all that right ? My samrat could never do that. " her voice heavy. " No , and he is not in jail for us. I don't know why he is not talking....." I told and she became silent.  she played with my daughter till bit.

" I need to go " she said and I didn't stop her. I stood to walk her up to the gate . As we were walking through the hall she stood infront of our friends group picture. khushi's bright smile and happy eyes can't believe she is no more. " Wish they were here with us. " said sahara.

As were standing their a huge shadow fell on the picture, getting smaller every second. someone is coming. Before we could turn back we heard " Hamara zikr toh har pal hua fasaane mein ; toh kya hua joh todhi der hui aane mein." and trust me that voice just stopped our hearts. As we turned back to see the only face of hope we could just say " SAMRAT ". 

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