chapter 4

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Sahara ( POV )

" You are looking amazing. " I told zoya bhabhi after getting her read. cause she is going on a date tonight with Aditya bhai.

" I don't know why I am so nervous today , like I am meeting him for the first time. " She said making a very cute face .

" I am glad that you got to relieve your love story again. " I told her . She looks really excited. After sam arrived he literally pushed Arnav out of his room and Arnav started working again.

That gave Aditya bhai some time and now he can again spend good time with his family. Everything is going well , hope it stays that way.

" Do you think he will like my
dress ? " asked zoya bhabi. " He will fall in love again with you. " I ensured her. I am seeing her happy after months and I am happy for her.

" Sahara have you thought about your marriage? Like since sam is finally out ...don't waste anymore time. " She said but I am not sure. I am sure about samrat it's just the time is not correct.

" I will think about it....but right now you're getting late. " I told her , she smiled and said nothing. We both came downstairs, Aditya Bhai was waiting for her. As soon as she walked in Aditya Bhai was stunned. It was so nice to see that look on his face.

The fire which almost extinguished between them rekindled . Aditya Bhai took Zoya bhabhi 's hand and they walked out of the house. I am here to babysit their daughter.

As they left I went in the hall and saw another drama going on there. Arnav and Laxmi are sitting on the sofa having the same expression and samrat trying to explain them to go out and party.

" Here...take Sahara with you babu. " Said Laxmi, relax it started with trying to irritate me and now habit.

" Coco you need to go out meet people...what you both are doing is unhealthy . " he tried to explain but why would they listen him.

" Arnav yaar , say something " said Aditya looking towards Arnav. " See honestly speaking even I am not interested. " Said Arnav not even looking up from his laptop.

" Kasam se mein toor dunga phone aur mobile ( I swear I will break your laptop and laptop) " said samrat in an angry tone.

" Guys you get business parties invite so much why don't you attended them . Samrat will have his party and you can expand your business. " I added sitting next to sam.

" Samtastic (sam + fantastic= samtastic) idea ....and I have a perfect party for that....The Khurrana party. " added sam.

" The Khurana's with whom we want to do business for such a long time. " Asked Laxmi. " Exactly, meet with them have a nice never know. " Said samrat and now they are thinking.

" When is the party ? " asked Laxmi.
" Tomorrow evening alright. " he said and they finally agreed. I am so happy that finally everything is going great.

Zoya ( POV )

We are going towards our hotel for our date. I can't believe I am going on a date with my husband after so many days.

He is sitting next to me, we have a daughter together and still I feel like I am next to a total new person. I don't know whether I should hold his hand or not... Should I speak with him.

I know I am acting like a drama queen but past few days there was so much distance between us what to say. Days went we didn't speak with each other .

And since we are trying to restart it's little strange for me. " Zoya you're so quite... everything okay ? " asked Aditya. We are in the backseat and the divider is closed so I guess we can talk.

" It's so strange ...we are together after such a long time.....I missed you. " I told him , and corners of my eyes got little teary. He took my hand in his hand and said " I am so sorry that you felt that way felt neglected. " And I don't need anything else.

I can just be in the car and listen him talk . " I was trying to understand what happened....I was such a message but I missed you too. And I am so sorry for not giving you attention...not giving us time. " he said holding his ears.

Finally not that angry and shouting Aditya but I got my cute and loving husband back . I didn't need to hesitate or think and I hugged him.

He pulled me closer to himself and I was engulfed in his love and warmth. I was lucky to be his and I am happy to be back to him.

In khurana House.

" Remember welcome each and every guest nicely and food and snacks plates should never be empty. " Said Mrs Rashmi khurana to the management team.

" Rashmiji , come here.." called Mr Amit khurana her husband. " What happened? " She walked over to him.

" I have a news...The sens are coming in our party , looks like we are going to have business relationship with them. " Said Mr Amit.

" And how do you know about it ? " asked Mrs khurana. " His lawyer has accepted our party invitation. They are not small business I think it will be good. " he said approvingly .

" In our party we are finally going to introduce Karishma with everyone and that will be so better for her. She can make connections. After all at such a young age she is CEO of her own company. " Said Mrs Rashmi with a proud smile.

" MOm  have you seen my pink ear rings? " Came a high pitched voice.
" Coming dear. " Shouted back Mr Rashmi and rushed inside.

" Madam has changed so much after that incident, she became lively after you adopted that girl. " Said Mr Khurana's manager.

" Don't say it out loud Rashmi and Karishma doesn't know about it. " Warned Mr Khurana. " Why sir ? " asked his manager .

" I found her near a burning car , I tried to ask her about her family or anything but she forgot everything. " he told and sat on a sofa.

" You know we lost our child and that's why my wife's condition was very bad , and at that moment all I could do was adopt her and I did it. " he said and his manager nodded.

" We are not talking about it again. " Warned Mr Khurana. " Yes sir " said his manager and left.

Author Note

Let's see you at the party

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