Chapter 1: Expelled?

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3rd POV:

Izuku couldn't believe it... he was trying to wake himself up from the nightmare that he found himself trapped inside of. This had to be a nightmare right because he was given One For All, the second strongest quirk in all of history and yet he was told he was now expelled from his dream school, that he was expelled from UA. Why you might ask was Izuku Midoriya the 9th user of One For All expelled from UA? Well, simply over a pathetic and biased test in Izuku's opinion. Now let's rewind about a year or so, this way you will have more details about everything that has happened. 

Izuku Midoriya used to be a quirkless boy who had a few encounters with the number one pro hero All Might. Now, the first encounter didn't end that great as All Might had rejected Izuku's question and told Izuku that he could never become a pro hero and save people as a quirkless person. Then came the second meeting between them which was during the second attack of the sludge villain. In this event, Izuku had discovered the sludge villain attack where his childhood friend (Tormentor) Bakugo Katsuki was being held by the sludge villain since it had escaped All Might's custody when Izuku had grabbed onto his legs. Izuku not knowing that All Might was on-site in his skinny form had heard the heroes talking about waiting for a person with the right quirk and before he even noticed what he was doing he had already run past the police line. Izuku, the quirkless child, was running towards the villain when he threw his backpack and landed a hit on the villain's eye that made the villain loosen his grip on Bakugo which provided air long enough for Bakugo to survive.

Of course, Bakugo being the person he was didn't like the fact that the person he saw as a lower individual was helping the all mightily Bakugo. As such, he was complaining and asking what the hell he was doing. Izuku responded he didn't know and that his body moved on its own but that he looked like he needed help is what Izuku replied with while maintaining a smile. Unkown to Izuku at the time, this had inspired All Might to push past his limit and to go in and save both of them. Izuku thought he was going to die but All Might arrived in time to block the hit and deliver his own.

Izuku was sure he heard All Might say something about being a hypocrite and not acting on what he was teaching as he delivered a texas smash into the villain which caused the air pressure to change. This change in air pressure caused a sudden downpour of rain which resulted in the fires around on the buildings that got stated by Bakugo's frantic use of his quirk. Both of them were taken to the side as they were checked out. Izuku though was getting scolded for what he did while Bakugo was being praised. Izuku wanted to laugh at this situation but didn't. The heroes who were standing around doing nothing were now scolding him and Izuku found it so ironic. 

Soon though he was let go and warned not to do it again. As Izuku was walking home, Bakugo had found him and yelled at him that he didn't need to be saved by a quirkless loser like Deku. Izuku just sighed and looked at his notebook in his hands and placed it in his bag. "I guess it's time to figure out what to do with my life," Izuku muttered as he continued walking down the street but it seemed fate was going to change for him that day as this was going to be his second encounter with All Might. "I AM HER---" All Might was saying as he coughed up blood and dropped to his skinny form. Izuku started to freak out since All Might was coughing blood and All Might waved him to stop.

"Hello, Young Midorya... I came here with an apology and an offer." All Might stated talking as he asked Izuku what he was thinking when he had run in to save the boy trapped by the sludge villain. Izuku took a second and shrugged. "I wasn't really thinking... when I heard the heroes talk about waiting for the 'perfect' quirk to handle the situation I found my body already past the police line before my mind realized what was going on. At that point, I had to commit to what I was doing." Izuku stated as he explained what happened. All Might smile widened at the explanation that Izuku gave him and nodded his head. 'Indeed.... he is the one I want. It feels as if One For All is pulling towards him as well when the incident happened since I knew I was already at my limit but I somehow gained enough power to push through my limit.' All Might thought as he listened to Izuku's words.

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