Chapter 58: Shie Hassaikai Raid!

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A few more days passed and it was now Sunday of the week which was the day the raid on the villain organization known as the Shie Hassaikai would start in full! They had a general layout of the villain's base due to Sir Nighteye's quirk and knew how to get to the underground sections. As such, they had all gathered up a bit away from the base for the villain group and were getting ready to head over and start the raid. Izuku and Gran Torino had arrived slightly before the scheduled time and were resting their bodies. "Kid, what's your current power output right now?" Gran Torino asked him and Izuku looked back a bit and said "I'm sitting at 68% and I can push it to 70% without causing much damage to myself so if need be I will push it but otherwise I should be able to deal with any large threats that might appear in this raid." Izuku said and Gran Torino nodded his head. He was honestly downright impressed with Izuku's progress as Izuku would never let up on his training but would still enjoy his time with his friends when he could. He hoped the mission would go smoothly for the most part so they could return to Shiketsu High School already and let Izuku rest for a week or so before the next event since he knew Izuku just needed a break. 

Soon the rest of the heroes arrived on site and after a bit of talking the police arrived and they all headed off in their full gear towards the Shie Hassaikai base. The police officer knocked on the door and demanded them to open the door but a villain burst out and sent police into the air where Izuku caught them quickly and placed them down and the moment he did before anyone could even react he slammed a fist into the villain's stomach and threw him to the dragon hero. "Ryukyu, can you deal with him please so the rest of us can head inside!?" Izuku asked and she nodded her head as she transformed and started to fight the villain as Izuku and the rest charged inside. 

The Police Force announced that they have a search warrant on counts of the manufacture and illegal sales of drugs as they started to make their way deeper into the building and ran into more Yakuza members that belonged to Overhaul. One of the yakuza attacked the Police Force and Heroes with his leaf manipulation Quirk but is taken down by one of the Heroes quickly. Fat Gum orders the Police Force and the Heroes to make a beeline for the objective since they didn't know if Overhaul had an escape route or not and it was more likely that he did. As such, everyone else kept pushing deeper into the base, and soon after Sir Nighteye does some work on a hidden device they found the location of the basement and started to search the underground sections of the base.

Soon the members of the hero side start dropping like flies from the advancement as more of the villain organization end up tieing them down in battles so the numbers of heroes pressing forward keep going down and it was quickly down to just LeMillion and Halo left on the people advancing forward. As both of them were pushing through the hallways, Izuku and LeMillion dispatched numerous villains that tried to get in their way and neither held anything back in the blows. Izuku used 35% in most of his blows which were far more than enough to incapacitate most villains and break a few ribs as well. Soon though they both arrived and found Overhaul and Shin Nemoto left in front of them with Eri in their hold. "OVERHAUL HAND THE GIRL OVER AT ONCE!" Izuku yelled out as he powered up more and spread right in front of Overhaul and decked him at 40% which sent the villain off in the distance. Nemoto tried attacking Halo but LeMillion blocked him and fought the villain as well. 

Overhaul though uses his quirk on himself and repairs all the damage that Izuku had just caused like the broken jaw. 'That's truly is an amazing quirk... pity it was used for evil.' Izuku thought as he watched Overhaul stand up just fine since he repaired himself. Izuku had grabbed Eri and pulled her back away as Overhaul sent blasts of spikes towards them which Izuku just punched at and created an air blast that destroyed them. "The rising symbol of peace just had to be assigned this mission... lovely!" Overhaul yelled in frustration since he knew the chances of escaping went down at the appearance of Halo. Overhaul looked around and noticed something and smirked behind his mask. His follower Nemoto who LeMillion had defeated ahs woken up and pulled out a gun and overhaul knew what was in that gun! As such, Overhaul knew he needed to create a diversion to keep the heroes attention on him instead of his follower. Overhaul was throwing insults and threats at Eri to try and get her to walk away from the heroes but Izuku kept her with him at all times and didn't let go of her.

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