Chapter 65: Rematch of a Giant!

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3rd POV:

As Izuku and his class set off from the second division battle location, they were traveling through the other dimension and were reliving their worst memories but the thing was that Izuku noticed each time he walked through this was that the worst memories started to affect him less and less. As they were moving through it he spoke up, "Interesting that as long as you will grow stronger the effects of the dimension travel becomes less. Does anyone else notice it?" Izuku asked and he only got chuckles from everyone and sounds of sighs from his classmates. "Really? Only you would disregard the mood of war to analyze a quirk out of nowhere." said one of his classmates and Izuku rubbed the back of his neck in embarrassment as he said it wasn't that bad of him which only earned him looks of being done from some of his classmates.

Izuku just turned around and faced forward. "Fox (Yasune Amato), how far are we from Shigaraki's location?" Izuku asked his classmate who was operating the portal. "We are about 10 minutes away but there is an issue that might make us stop. You know the description you gave us of the giant dude you called Gigantomachia?" she said and Izuku said yes he remembered and asked her why. "Well, he's heading towards the direction of Shigaraki with the League of Villains on his back from what I can see in the far distance of my dimensional pathway. The main issue is the fact that he is laying waste to the Pro Hero's and the UA hero students which are in his path right now. There is also the issue of many cities between Gigantomachia and Shigaraki which means possibly hundreds of thousands of dead civilians if no one stops him." Fox said and everyone tensed at that. Izuku was silent and asked how close they were to Gigantomachia's location.

"We can be there in 3 minutes since it is far closer and I will expend less energy with a shorter exit portal location as I can speed us up a bit," Fox said and Izuku nodded his head. "The Pro Hero's at the hospital will need to hold on until we deal with Gigantomachia. How is the hospital team doing anyway?" Izuku asked and she told him what was going on. Endeavor, Eraserhead, Gran Torino, and many other Pro Heros were fighting Shigaraki currently. They were using Eraserhead to stop Shigaraki from using quirks but his body was enhanced which displayed physical strength that matched about 80% of Izuku's quirk strength which caused some alarms in all honesty. She did say that some UA students were also on the battlefield like Shouto Todoroki and Katsuki Bakugo while other UA students were evacuating civilians out of what was left of the destroyed town. 

"They should last for a bit longer hopefully... anyway, we will go deal with Gigantomachia since if he joins up with Shigaraki it will be annoying. When I was at 65% I was able to deal little damage due to his body absorbing it. The weak points are the eyes and inside the mouth... though he should likely be worn down a bit if we can do constant damage and I should hopefully be able to do far more damage at 100% as I can push a bit past that as well." Izuku said and Fox warned them that they were getting ready to drop out. They would be appearing behind the giant about 100 feet away. 

They all nodded their heads and within a few more moments they dropped out of the dimensional travel portal and went on guard right away. They heard fighting applying directly to their left and saw Gigantomachia in the distance in front of them. Izuku told Snow (Mizuken Akinri), Static (Tatsugi Getan), and FOG (Inagai Masaken) to go deal with the fighting to their side since it sounded like the voice of Pro Hero Mightnight who was fighting as she might be helpful with dealing with Gigantomachia depending on her condition. They nodded their head while everyone else in the class followed Izuku towards Gigantomachia. As they came closer they saw Gigantomachia being hit by what appeared to be artillery shells. "Oh... that is an interesting way but I know for a fact that my 65% punches do more damage than an artillery shell so they would only annoy him," Izuku said as he watched a large number of heroes come in and start attacking the giant but he did an air blast and knock some out of the air.

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