Chapter 59: Return to Shiketsu High School & Relaxing!

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3rd POV:

Izuku and Gran Torino soon were on their way back to Shiketsu High School. Izuku had messaged Nezu and All Might and told them to keep him up to date in regards to the condition of Eri since he wanted to know how she was doing. They both agreed to keep him up to date and Izuku just relaxed on the train as they were still about an hour away from the school. Izuku thought couldn't relax no matter how much he tried to even though he wanted to! "Can't relax can you?" Gran Torino said and Izuku nodded his head as he really wanted to relax but couldn't due to other information he learned about the raid on the Shie Hassaikai which disturbed him.

It seems Overhaul was in contact with the League of Villains and they had some form of relationship between their organizations but it didn't seem like a good one because they received news that Shigaraki had led a few of his members and had attacked the police convey that had contained Overhaul and Shigaraki had destroyed Overhaul hands. The cameras near the highway road had picked the attack up and Izuku and Gran Torino were sent the video.

"Is it bad that I want to thank Shigaraki for destroying Overhaul Hands? I feel horrible that he kicked the innocent cops just doing their job but Overhaul deserved getting his hands removed from his body which has turned him into what he always w...

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"Is it bad that I want to thank Shigaraki for destroying Overhaul Hands? I feel horrible that he kicked the innocent cops just doing their job but Overhaul deserved getting his hands removed from his body which has turned him into what he always wanted in a sense... quirkless." Izuku said to Gran Torino since they were alone in the train car. Gran Torino was silent but shrugged after a bit. "I don't know... you shouldn't be okay with villains doing crimes but even I got to agree the bastard was a sick and twisted man that deserved everything he got. The problem is that the League of Villains now have all of the remaining quirk destroying bullets even though there aren't many left it's still a huge issue." Gran Torino said and Izuku nodded his head because that was indeed a large issue they needed to be careful of those bullets now since Shigaraki could use it against Izuku to destroy One For All. Though, Izuku had doubts that Shigaraki would do that to him.

Gran Torino asked why he thought that and Izuku thought it over before speaking. "I and he have pasts that are really similar... forsaken by everyone. Even mom at one point didn't support me and what she did could borderline mental abuse for how she treated me as glass when I was really young. Of course, she loves me and all but I am diverging from what I want to say. Our pasts are similar due to the abuse at society's hands and we understand each other more than others do for their enemies. I honestly believe if we were on different paths we could have become best friends. Shigaraki also wants to have our so-called 'fated' battle as we are both the main characters in a sense for both sides. He's the one that plays as the dark king and I play as the white king and Shigaraiki hates the idea of cheating in a game. As such, unless he had absolutely no other way, I am doubtful he would use the bullet on me. Though, I could see him using it on other people like Eraserhead to get rid of his quirk since it could hamper them in battle." Izuku said and Gran Torino thought it over and nodded his head in agreement. Even though he doesn't want to admit it, both Shigaraki and Izuku are parallels to each other but just on different sides on how they choose to move forward. 

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