Chapter 8: Fourth Day of Training & Talk of Sir Nighteye

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3rd POV:

It was now Friday and Izuku could be seen up in the forest with Gran Torino and All Might. All Might didn't have any classes or anything scheduled today so he decided to accompany the pair up to the forest to train. They also made Izuku carry both AllMight and Gran Torino but All Might, luckily for Izuku, was in his skinny form and not the buff form. As such, it was a bit extra weight for the 45-minute run that Izuku had to do from the apartment to the forest location. Izuku was panting but he didn't pant as hard as he did the first time he did the 45 minutes run so the training was having some improvement for him. After Izuku did his normal set of workout routines he set down and took a drink of water for a bit before they started the quirk training.

"Okay brat, we have today, and the weekend before you and I start-up at Shiketsu High School. The goal is to get a form of control you can use and move around with before Monday and I believe you can do it. It doesn't need to be perfect but you just need some simple control." Gran Torino stated as Izuku nodded his head. All Might sat down on a boulder that was off to the side. He came in the event Izuku was able to get some form of control so they could use him as a sparring partner to take the powerful hits. Gran Torino could really only take a few hits in his old age even though he didn't think he would get hit, they just wanted to be prepared.

Izuku soon got to work on decreasing the amount of power he was pulling out and had spent about a few hours and had gotten down from 40% to 35% which was good progress. As they took a break, All Might decided to ask Izuku what mental image he was using to control the power output and Izuku described the dimmer switch which earned a nod from All Might. "Okay, I want to suggest a slightly different mental image moving forward, and let's see if it has an impact. First, when you think of the power of One For All Inside of you what do you visualize it as? I see it as an Olympics torch-type flame where I am pulling the power from." All Might state and Izuku thought about it and described what he visual the power itself as.

"I see it as fire as well since I figured out how to distribute the power across me when I did the cooking of the fish so that is what happened. Why?" Izuku asked and All Might nodded his head and started to explain as Gran Torino listened in to make sure nothing stupid happened. "Okay, we are still using the dimmer idea but in a different way, One For All needs to be always on in a sense as it fills you with power. So instead of just thinking of how much power you want, imagine the flames coming to your body but start imaging them smaller size from a huge flame to a tiny flame, and the more you pull the dimmer down the smaller they get." All Might suggest and Gran Torino had to admit that it was a good idea to use and might actually work out in the end. Izuku decided to test the suggestion out and stood up.

As he stood up, he turned the quirk on using the visual method in the back of his mind and it went straight to 100% but he imaged the flames that surrounded his body growing smaller as he decreased the dimmer down as if he was restricting the gas fueling the flame. As he did this the two adults could see the power he was putting off go from 100% and was making good progress downwards until it reached a point that they didn't think it was going down anymore. Gran Torino spoke up and asked how much he thought he was currently at. 

"I think about 25% right now. I think I can push it down a bit more so give me a bit of time." Izuku said and they waited for him to work on it. They had to admit going from 35% to 25% was a good jump since he started out at 40% at the start of the day. Soon, Izuku opened his eyes and looked around. "I think I have it as far as I can actually take it right now..." Izuku said and they asked what he thought he was at. Izuku thought for a moment and spoke. "I think I'm sitting at around 5%. I can feel tingling sensations in my body but it doesn't hurt like it does if I take it up to 10%" Izuku said as he increased the power and the little arcs of lighting that came off his body increased a bit and Izuku fists gripped shot until he brought it down. 

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