Chapter 5: It's A Wild Gran Torino!

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3rd POV:

All Might had left to go to his own home that night after they finished the paperwork about Izuku. Inko had also signed the paperwork that gave All Might legal permissions with the school in anything regarding Izuku if she wasn't nearby at the time to make the decisions or couldn't be contacted. All Might wanted to stay a bit longer but he also knew he had to go early on the train to Shiketsu High School to talk about the quirk so the Principal would have the knowledge in the event something happened. This way in the event Gran Torino wasn't on hand the Principal would know how to deal with a situation if it involved One For All and Izuku's former quirkless status. 

The next day quickly arrived and Izuku had just worn his workout clothing and made sure to eat enough to stop his hunger but not to fill himself up too much that he would throw up. Izuku had quickly learned from the 10 months of training under All Might that it was a horrible idea to fill up completely for breakfast if you were going to do harsh work-outs. As such, Izuku was working on his analysis notebook and trying to figure out a way to better use the quirk via his quirk analysis but for some reason, he was just stuck and wasn't able to figure it out when a knock on the door happened. He got up and went to go see who it was and Izuku found a shorter old male standing in front of his door. 

"Hello Sir, I am assuming your Gran Torino?" Izuku asked and the old man nodded his head

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"Hello Sir, I am assuming your Gran Torino?" Izuku asked and the old man nodded his head. "I'm assuming your Izuku Midoriya, Toshinori's boy?" Gran Torino asked and Izuku blushed a bit at how he was called All Might's boy but nodded his head. "Would you like to come in for tear or we starting right away? I am prepared for either." Izuku said and Gran Torino looked him up and down and noticed that Izuku was indeed dressed to start training. 'This kid is willing to go right away... that is good. Toshi told me about how he got kicked out because of Eraserhead but it looks like his determination hasn't broken and was only damaged temporarily.' Gran Torino thought and nodded his head. "We're leaving to train now. Does your mother know you are leaving and won't be back likely until dark?" He asked and Izuku nodded his head and right then Inko Midoriya came up. Gran Torino introduced himself and told her that he was taking Izuku out to train all day.

"We got roughly a week before you start at Shiketsu. As such, I won't be holding back. We are going until you drop from exhaustion since we need you to get some form of control quickly so you stop breaking your bones. Do you know any good places to train in the area otherwise, I am just taking you out into the middle of the forest to train." Gran Torino asked and Izuku thought it over. "There is the beach All Might had me completely clean in the 10 months to build my body up. I don't know if people have started visiting it yet but we likely should go to the forest so we don't disturb people." Izuku stated and Gran Torino nodded his head and jumped on Izuku's back. "Let's train then, I'm assuming you know where the XXX forest is at from here?" Gran Torino asked and Izuku nodded his head. "Good, get running then, and don't drop me brat or I will kick you in the guts!" Gran Torino said and Izuku started to run as he grabbed his backpack from the door and put it on. 

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