Chapter 53: Provisional Exams Shiketsu & UA Pt 3.

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3rd POV:

After the entire conversation with the President of the commission, Izuku turned his full attention back to the exam itself. He was glad that his classmates took Izuku's advice and avoided the students from UA for the most part. The reason that Izuku said, for the most part, is due to the fact that Inagai Masaken who has the fog of war quirk decided to play his hand near the start and used his quirk solely on the UA students for the first few minutes which almost resulted in them getting knocked out since they all only had one target left alive by the time each UA student finished the exam. Inagai Masaken had to drop his quirk since he needed to focus on passing and the further away from the people he is using his quirk on the more strain he gets overall so he had to release it. Izuku knew that his class wanted to wipe the entire UA class out of the exam and to be perfectly honest, Izuku would have loved to see it as well but as Izuku keeps reminding himself and others, the war will sooner or later be upon them and even though he hates to say it... the students from 1-A at UA are decent in strength and will be a decent help somewhat in the war.

Izuku has zero doubts in his mind that they could handle the UA students and flatten them since they all have gone through some harsh training under Gran Torino has only kept upping the harshness of their training in the past month and a half. As such, Izuku was sure he would have a spar or tournament set up later on after the war for the public's entertainment and to showcase the strength of the future heroes to help reassure the public. It would also serve as a good chance to display Shikestu's dominance over UA moving forward since UA has enjoyed the spotlight for far too long in Izuku's view. It's time people start remembering that there are plentiful other hero schools and that UA doesn't represent the core of the Japanese hero world anymore. 

The second phase of the exam was a rescue operation theme one and Izuku had a feeling that there would most likely be some villains. This second phase seemed just like the one that Inasa and himself had to go through during their exams which made sense due to the fact that they needed to know if the students could actually reduce people which is a requirement of being a hero. "They don't change the second phase of the exam much do they?" Izuku asked out loud and everyone looked at him and some asked what he meant. "Well, the first phase was different from my exam but the second phase is more or less the same. I kind of get it since rescue operations can't really be made different for such a large exam. Though, our exam had real-life former villains for us instead of heroes who are taking part as the villains in this case since I see Gang Orc coming from the distance." Izuku said as he pointed the stuff out and they nodded their head. 

Izuku paid close attention to how his classmates were working together in teams and made good use of their quirks like the fog of war quirk was used on all of the villains which bought the rescue teams time to escape. Though Gang Orc got around it via echolocation due to his quirk which was interesting to see happen. But it was only him that got out of the effects of the quirks in their class easily dispatched Gang Orc by working together and locked the hero down via several of them pinning him until Ikebi Mitsubei who had the liquid stone quirk had gathered enough earth and solidified it completely around Gang Orc which captured him since he couldn't move enough to break out nor use his quirk to break it via vibrations since he had to aim his head for the direction of the quirk to work which they stopped him from doing. 

Soon the exam came to an end and the results were announced. Everyone from Shiketsu High School passed the exam which Izuku was happy about but he also noticed several UA students failed the exam. Those students included Katsuki Bakugo and Shouto Todoroki which is sad because even Mineta the pervert of UA passed the damn exam! Though the two did make enough points to qualify for the makeup exam during the winter break. "That is just sad... the pervert ended up passing when two of 1-A's top students failed. That has to be a large blow to both of their egos but it was expected for them to both fail it since their attitudes are horrid when it comes to rescuing work. At least Mineta knows to keep himself under control unlike them who argued with each other and said things in front of the people they were meant to rescue." Inasa said and Izuku just nodded his head at Inasa's statement while agreeing. Eraserhead was silent the entire time and didn't utter anything in regard to his students. Soon all of the staff, Izuku, and Inasa made their way outside where the students would be coming out of and soon they did as Shiketsu students from 1-A all jumped on Izuku and Inasa and showed off their licenses.

"Good job guys. Now, you just need to get your work-studies lined up which shouldn't be a huge issue since everyone had internships with decent heroes from the sports festival. Now get off because you're crushing me." Izuku said as they were all on top of him making it hard to breathe without using his quirk. Soon they got off of him and there were all smiling. The UA students all came out a few moments later and Izuku could see that Bakugo looked frustrated but he wasn't exploding on everyone. 'Maybe this will be a hit that his ego needs to start tampering out.' Izuku thought as he told everyone to start heading towards the bus so they could return since they had a long drive ahead of them since they had to go to the furthest exam site away from the school. 

While they all got on the bus, Gran Torino was at the school on the phone. He was talking to the police detective Naomasa who was calling about some movements of the League of Villains warp user Kurogiri. He also reported to Gran Torino that Toga had escaped from custody like they were afraid of but there had been sightings of Kurgirio in a region as if he was looking for something. As such, Gran Torino was being informed since it would be time for him and Izuku to start getting involved in the case since they had tracked the villain down to a certain region instead of all of Japan.

Gran Torino thanked the detective for the information and informed him that they would start scoping the area out in the next week or so since the school would be adjusting everyone's schedules to allow for work-studies more. This meant there would be less in-class time for homework and learning and more do the homework when you got free time and self-study a bit as you need to go do your work-study but it was the price they were all willing to pay to get out on the field and get experience sooner. The detective thanked him and soon the call came to an end. Gran Torino sighed and looked at the clock. 'The brat should be getting back soon. All of those brats from 1-A better have passed or I will beat the living shit out of them.' Gran Torino thought as he ate some of his desert food which he eats all of the time. 

Now, while this was going on, there was some other movement from other organizations as well. One such organization was called the Shie Hassaikai and they were a nasty organization but the true nature of what they were doing wasn't even known to the heroes yet. As far as the heroes looking into them knew, they were an organization that was selling the drug Trigger to other villains and people that were buying it but they would soon find out the more horrifying details of what they were doing in the dark shadows as Sir Nighteye would lead a team of heroes that would pry the lid on their operations and discover the truth which will result in them calling in more heroes to put a stop on their operations.

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