Chapter 60: Changes & Hood

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*Note* I am saying they are in 2-A now because I don't understand the logic of the MHA school year. They have already had a summer break and a winter break so they should be in the second year already by the time this stuff happens from what I think. 

3rd POV:

Months have passed and Izuku with his class were now all in their second year of Shiketsu High School. Many things have happened over the months that have passed. One such thing is that Izuku with the help of Shikura before he graduated helped Izuku achieve 80% control of his quirk. Izuku was thrilled since he went from 68% to 85% in the months that had passed but was sad that he wouldn't have Shikura's help to speed the progress up since it was a 17% jump in power. Naga Shikura and his class have graduated and have gotten out into the field with a warning from Izuku to be careful and prepare themselves for the upcoming war in the near future and a new number one Pro Hero was announced. It was not surprising that Endeavor was announced as the top hero due to him being in the second rank but it was clear in how the commission worded their messages about him that they had taken a large step back from Endeavor. When he was announced at the hero ranking event the President of the Commission said, "Please welcome Endeavor who has been given the number one position as we await the next generation to take their places as Offical Heros." Said the President of the Commission when she announced Endeavor on the stage and it was a clear message that they don't see him as the next symbol of peace or supporting pillar of the society. No, they see him as the temporary placeholder until the next generation arrives and everyone knew who she was talking about. She was talking about Halo and everyone around his age since Izuku had made many waves in the media from the Stain incident, Kamino Ward, The Shie Hassaikia, and many other cases during the past months. 

Endeavor looked pissed with how he was introduced but kept his cool since he was on live TV and made a speech that simply said to watch him as he does his job. However, even when he told everyone to watch the things he did, things didn't go his way as Endeavor was in the end shown up by Izuku and his class. Izuku had Inasa working with him on several cases one day when they received an alert on their phones that Endeavor and Hawks were attacked by a strange Nomu while they were at a restaurant in a tall skyscraper. From the reports, they were told the Nomu was sentient in a way as it was seeking out strong opponents to fight and kill. It was a Nomu that craved combat it seems.

As Inasa and Izuku watched from afar they started to come up with a plan and they decided it would be time to use the forbidden move that they created back when they first started to train together in a real sense

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As Inasa and Izuku watched from afar they started to come up with a plan and they decided it would be time to use the forbidden move that they created back when they first started to train together in a real sense. It was the move that Gran Torino not use unless they were planning to kill someone or they were sure that the person that they were going to use it on was very strong and could take the hit if they didn't want them dead in the end. Otherwise, they were never allowed to use it against living opponents due to how destructive it was. They ended up calling the combo move Electrical Storm due to how it mimics a lighting storm with all of the lightings it puts off.

Inasa and Izuku forged a plan and Inasa would go high in the sky and lay the trap where Izuku needed to get the Nomu at so they didn't endanger anyone's lives with their attack since it was destructive. As such, they sat off as Izuku went in low as he didn't want the Nomu to notice him until it was too late and Izuku noticed that the Nomu had torn its own head off to avoid being completely incinerated and was able to completely regenerate its body. Izuku saw as Endeavor get hit in the head with a large wound that most likely would leave a massive scar over his left eye. He also noticed that Endeavor had a large number of wounds across his body as well and would likely die if he didn't get medical support soon because Endeavor ended up falling down to the ground and laid there not moving but his flames were still on. Izuku could hear some shout that Endeavor wasn't out because his flame was still going on. But Izuku didn't care because he wanted this Nomu stopped before it had the chance to kill any of the heroes since it looked like it was ready to attack them. 

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