Chapter 37: Mall Incident

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3rd POV:

Izuku and Inasa both bored the train the next day and headed off towards Izuku's hometown. They had about 4 weeks before the training sessions that their school would be doing would start since it was now summer break. Izuku was just glad his entire class passes all of their finals and wasn't going to have to go through remedial classes which they were told Gran Torino was in charge of which scared everyone. Overall, Izuku's class and 1-B as well have been putting in a lot of work over this semester and the staff had informed Izuku that they were most likely going to recommend their entire year to take the Provisional License exam once the second semester started. Izuku was thrilled at hearing that his class would likely get their Provisional Licenses soon if they could pass the exams and honestly Izuku wanted to have them at his side on the front lines because he knew that the country was about to undergo a large number of changes which even the Principal of Shiketsu High School was preparing for. 

Anyway, outside of those thoughts, Izuku and Inasa sat on the train for two hours and had arrived at Izuku's hometown. "Nice city, it's quite close to UA as well so I can see why you wanted to go there first," Inasa said and Izuku rubbed his neck and nodded his head. Soon they walked from the station for a while until they arrived at Izuku's home and knocked on the door. After a few minutes, Inko Midoriya opened the door and was surprised to see Izuku and Inasa standing at the door. "Izuku! It's so nice to see you again!" She said as she hugged him and brought them both in. They were surprised to find All Might in the living room as well and he looked flustered. "All Might?" Izuku asked and the man looked at him with a guilty expression which Izuku picked up on.

"Why are you at my home on a weekend?" Izuku asked curiously and All Might struggled to find an answer when Inasa gasped. Izuku looked at him and asked what was wrong. "I think your mother and All Might got together!" Inasa said and All Might started to cough really hard at the statement and Inko Midoriya blushed hard. Izuku looked between the two of them dumbfounded since they didn't deny it. Izuku kept looking back and forth between them before powering up One For All and walking to All Might who got scared at what was about to happen. Izuku grabbed All Mights shoulders and applied pressure making him grit his teeth in pain as he tried to power up but found One For All not responding to him. "Hurt her, I hurt you! It would be really bad if your wound on your side got leaked to villains now wouldn't it All Might?" Izuku said in a cold tone and All Might was scared shitless. Inko told Izuku to stop threatening him and he looked at her and spoke. "Mother I love you and all but it's my job to threaten any man that wants to get with you. If they can't handle my threats then they are weak in my eyes and don't deserve you." Izuku said with a smile on his face. Inko just sighed and All Might promised not to hurt her. Izuku looked at him and smiled as he powered down. 

"Good, now you might actually become my legal dad at this rate!" Izuku said with a smile and everyone started coughing as they got stunned by his statement. Inasa could be heard laughing as he found the entire situation funny as hell. "Really?" He asked and Izuku nodded his head. "He's already a father figure in my life and calls me son so he might as well seal the deal you know?" Izuku stated not even paying attention to the two adults who were blushing hard from Izuku's statements about them getting married. Soon everyone calmed down and settled in as Izuku explained that he had come down to visit since they had the week off since there would be a few more weeks before the training sessions at Shiketsu High School would start-up since they don't do a summer training camp like UA is known to do. All Might nodded his head and confirmed that they were indeed doing a training camp but even he didn't know where currently since Nezu was planning to change it up last moment to try and throw off any attempts of finding the student's locations. Izuku pointed out though that it wouldn't work if the mole was a student in 1-A or 1-B or if the mole was one of the teachers going. All Might agreed but it was the only way they could move forward currently and Izuku had to agree they were limited with their options.

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