Chapter 20: Shiketsu High Sports Festival Pt 1.

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3rd POV:

The next day arrived after everyone called it an early day and went to their individual dorms after they finished watching the UA sports festival as today was the day for Shiketsu's Sports Festival. Everyone was pumped and couldn't wait for their sports festival to start as they all wanted to show off to their friends and families how they were doing. Overall, the event was not opened to the public outside of the heroes and families of the students. Even though heroes could attend the school, not a lot did but still, some did which helped the school get internship offers for their students. The most internship offers that UA students got were from Pro Heroes that watched the sports festival on TV instead of in person which Shiketsu High School didn't allow. 

There were also some more differences between the Shiketsu's festival and UA's. Unlike UA where they required all of their students to take part in the festival, Shiketsu only required the hero course to take part. The other departments could take part if they decided to but they didn't need to. As such, it was mainly those that wanted to show off and have fun or the support department who wanted to test their devices on actual people since Shiketu's exam was much fairer than UA's. The entrance exam for Shiketsu was an interview, a combat fight against a third-year student, and a demonstration of any other skills someone had. As such, this made it much easier for anyone to get into the school hero course if they truly had the will and determination to get into it. 

Soon, the hero course students were gathered up and lead to the location where they would be doing their sports festival. Izuku was surprised by the stadium they would be going to. It looked like an old-style stadium that would have been used a long time ago for gladiator combat. Izuku then heard a chuckle from in front of him and saw the Principal standing there. 

"You would be right Midorya as this was built with that type of image in mind

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"You would be right Midorya as this was built with that type of image in mind. We don't really repair the thing much anyway since it only gets damaged here and there as you can see by the broken walls at the top. This building was actually standing since near the dawn of quirks and the school to ownership of it since it was close by our school and we could put it to good use. It's unknown on what exactly it was used for all the way back then but nowadays we use it for the festival only for the most part." Stated the Principal and Izuku rubbed his neck and asked if he was muttering again and the Principal nodded his head. Soon they were all lead to their sitting area and could see their parents and family members all around. They also saw heroes that were there as well.

The Principal made his way to the center of the stadium and took a mic from another staff person. "Welcome family of our students and Pro Heroes that are in attendance. Today we will be conducting our annual sports festival for the students to fight against each other and show off their skills! As always, we will also have the top four from each school year face off against each other in a tournament-style bracket at the very end of all of the events!" Stated the Principal and that is when Izuku noticed that there was indeed the hero course students from the other years present as well. Izuku found that interesting and really wanted to know where he was in regards to his skills compared to the other years. Gran Torino told Izuku that his training progress was amazing and that he could stand against many opponents with what he's accomplished so far in the several weeks of training since undergoing lessons with Gran Torino and now it was time to see if it was true!

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