Chapter 7: Quirk Training & UA Vs Eraserhead

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3rd POV:

Gran Torino had taken Izuku back up to the forest area where they went the last time and had started their training. Over the past few days, they had learned multiple things and had increased their progress on Izuku getting some form of control of One For All. On the first day of training, Izuku had learned that he needed to distribute the energy across his entire body instead of doing it to just one or multiple body parts. The second day after the eventful conversation and stopping Inko Midoriya from going to murder some people and convincing All Might that he the symbol of peace could not murder a child at UA by accident was a bad thing had allowed Izuku to increase the speed at which he called the quirk up and spread it across his body. Now instead of almost a minute of trying to get it done, he was able to summon the quirk up within seconds. It wasn't perfect but it was better than nothing right now in life and death fight if he ever found himself in one.

Now, it was the third day of training and Izuku would be trying to gain some form of output control. This would be the critical step in stopping him from breaking his bones all of the time and path the path for him to start working on increasing his control which Gran Torino was itching to get to do since he liked the kids drive to get stronger and the reasons for being a hero. As they were working in the forest and Izuku had completed his training routine that he started since the hell training under All Might, Gran Torino had him stand in the circle he drew in the dirt and focus on the quirk. 

"I don't really know how the blond idiot does his mental image on controlling the output but a suggestion you could use is like a dimmer switch. If you push it all the way to the top then you got full power but if you pull it down then you dim the energy going to the light which makes it brighter or lighter depending if you up the power or lower the power." Gran Torino stated since he knew the kid had weird mental images based on the fish from the last time they were up in the forest. 'Don't need a weird mental image making it harder for him to control.' Gran Torino thought and watched Izuku. "You know what 100% feels like, now you need to get as little as possible that your body doesn't feel like your going to fall over and break if you move." Gran Torino stated and Izuku remained silent but nodded his head as he was concentrating.

Izuku was standing there for about 10 minutes before he turned the quirk on and it was at 100% but soon Gran Torino felt the pressure the kid was giving off lighten up but a large amount. However, from the looks of things, it seemed as if the Izuku was still using too much power as Izuku was gritting his teeth and clenching his fists. 'I wonder how much he is currently using.' Gran Torino thought as he told Izuku to stop and relax for a bit. He looked him over and didn't see any injuries which was a very good thing for their progress in only three days so far. "How much do you think you were putting off since I know you decreased it from 100%?" Gran Torino asked. Izuku thought about it and shrugged a bit.

"To be honest, I don't know for sure but I think about 50% is where it was at. It felt as if half of the power that I was pushing out went away so I think we can say around the 50% mark due to how it felt but again I don't know for sure." Izuku stated and Grain Torino thought about it but nodded his head. "It was most likely around 50% as you think. If it felt as if half the power went away then we can assume 50%. We need to get below 10% in all honesty since I think you can currently only do 2-5% without any problems and 10% will likely fracture bones." Gran Torino stated and Izuku looked down at hearing those numbers and Gran Torino scoffed.

"Kid... you better not be looking down on 2% of One For All. Remember that is still a very powerful attack compared to most people and will likely knock a lot of the weaker opponents out easily. I doubt you will ever use more than 30% unless you come up against a really powerful villain. All Might himself limits his power as well and uses only 100% on really strong opponents that can take the punches or won't die like the sludge villain. He used 100% to blast the villain apart since it wouldn't die but also to create the rain in a heavy amount even though he could do it at maybe 45% but it would only create light rain since he is not in his prime anymore and has grown weaker due to his injuries and age." Gran Torino said and Izuku lit up at the information and small pep talk that Grain Torino gave him. 

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