Chapter 66: Lighting the sky!

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3rd POV:

As Izuku and his team were heading through the portal to get to the final battlefield that they needed to get to, the situation for the heroes that were fighting Shigaraki had turned sour for the most part as Shigaraki was starting to turn the tide of the battle as he was now targeting Eraserhead most of the time now to try and prevent him from blocking all of his quirks. Shigaraki knew he would win this if he could just get rid of Eraserhead! As such, he dashed off towards Eraserhead but Gran Torino knocked him back but sadly... Gran Torino was in for a world of pain as Shigaraki grabbed his foot as he moved away from him and crushed it. After that, he slammed him into the ground and hit the older man which caused a lot of blood to go off.

All of this though was reported to Izuku by Fox and Izuku was not happy with how the battle was turning out and asked how far they were from arriving. "8 Minutes... they need to survive for eight more minutes and we will make it in time!" Fox said and Izuku nodded his head and gripped his hands. Izuku knew.... he knew many things could change in the heat of a battle within eight minutes! Izuku told several of his classmates like Fog to grab the injured and pull them away since quirks like Fog Of War would have zero effect on Shigaraki since he was a single opponent and he could just use decay on the ground or anything that touches him due to his quick movements. As such, even Siren would retreat a distance from the others since she would not be able to help in this fight but could empower them from a distance but needed to be careful of not attracting Shigaraki's attention onto her.

Back at the fight itself, we could see Shouto Todorok and Katsuki Bakugo attempt to attack Shigaraki who just went right by them and went after Eraserhead who the Heros were trying to move further away behind some cover to avoid direct attacks from Shigaraki. As Shigarki was getting closer, the Dragon Hero Rykyu came in and blocked Shigarki or tried to but he slammed his arm right through her dragon hand. At this point, Shigaraki was being held back a bit as Todorki and Bakugo both launched attacks at the same time Endeavor tried to do one more but what they didn't know was that Shigraki had a bullet... not any normal bullet but a quirk erasing bullet! 

As he pushed his fingers through the Dragon Hero's open wound he pushed the bullet out of the other side and before they all noticed he threw it with enough force that it went flying as they tried to doge but it landed right on Eraserhead broken leg. As it landed, Eraserhead quickly took his knife and cut his leg off to avoid the bullet from taking effect but it didn't matter in the end because the pain from cutting his own leg off to stop the effects of the quirk erasing bullet caused him to blink! As such, Shigaraki regeneration quirks kicked in and he had all of his power back! 

With that one blink, Shigraki now had his hand on Eraserheads face as he clawed into the man's face and was but he couldn't decay him due to Eraserheads quirk but why decay when you can crush the person head due to his sheer physical strength!? However, as he went to crush Eraserheads head a hit came into his side as Shigaraki got knocked to the side. Everyone was confused until they saw it was none other than LeMillon who had his quirk back! However, they no longer had Eraserheads help as the man was out cold due to the pressure that was applied to his skull in that one single moment. 

Even though LeMillon was a strong hero he wouldn't be able to do much against the sheer power that Shgiaraki wielded unchallenged now since Eraserhead was out of the battle. Every time LeMillon went for the attack and would use his quirk was a moment that Shigraki wanted to touch him but as they tried to exchange blows LeMillon noticed that Shigraki was getting closer and closer to hitting him each time he dropped his quirk to strike! Overall, Shigaraki forced LeMillon to back away since he was just getting too close to touching him with the decay quirk and it only took one touch to end LeMillon even with his permeation quirk! 

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