Chapter 29: Stain Vs Halo!

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3rd POV:

Izuku cursed his stupidity for not securing Stain when he had him down the first time. It was a huge oversight on his part and Izuku wishes he had remembered to do it because now he was in a fight for his life while protecting two individuals. Izuku reached up and activated his comms link and he heard All Might's voice on the other side as Stain glared at him. "Halo did you find Tenya Iida?" All Might asked over the comms. Izuku really wanted to laugh at that question but answered it. "Yea, I found him All Might but I am in a bit of a situation. It was as we were afraid of and Iida came after Stain. There is another downed Pro Hero and neither can move. I can't get them out without Stain attacking my back and he's not happy with me right now since I knocked him out once already." Izuku stated over the comms as the mouth guard blocked his voice from going out since it had that nice feature built-in when he wanted it to work like that. All Might cursed on the other side of the line and told Izuku he would get there as soon as possible but he was still finishing up the Nomu's. All Might gave him about a 5 minute ETA and told him to survive as Izuku explained his location to All Might.

Izuku turned the comms off and allowed his voice to flow out of the Mouthguard. "I take it you won't let me escape with them will you?" Izuku asked and Stain looked at him and shook his head. "Well... that's a bit mean of you. Are you pissed for me sludging you across the face?" Izuku asked and Stain's glare got sharper at that comment. 'Note to self... don't taunt the villain that can kill you!' Izuku thought as he really wishes he would have not made that comment. Izuku glanced at Iida and Native before looking back at Stain.

"Whenever either of you comes out of his quirk effects then I want you to grab the other person and run so I can escape this fight. I may be strong but I lack experience against someone as experienced as Stain." Izuku stated and Native nodded his head. However, Iida decided to open his mouth even more and say that Izuku should just take Native and leave since he should be the one to deal with Stain. "OKAY ENOUGH OUT OF YOU! HEROES SHOULDN'T ACT ON VENGEANCE ALONE SINCE IT CLOUDS THEIR JUDGMENTS!" Izuku yelled at Iida and he snapped shut quickly but still looked like he wanted to protest Izuku fighting Stain instead of him. 

Stain was done waiting around as he charged at Izuku. As Stain did his attacks he asked Izuku a question and asked if he was a true hero like All Might. "I honestly don't know how you define true heroes so I don't know if I would fit your category but I can tell you All Might is human and makes mistakes. For example, when he met me the first time he told me I could never be a hero but he later corrected his statement and apologized because I had caught him at a bad time." Izuku said as he dodged the blades and grabbed rocks off the ground and threw them at Stain which forced him to dodge away from Izuku since the rockets contained some damn good amount of power and could likely have broken a bone or two since he threw them at 20% of One For All.

"Oh... I like that you admit that you might not fall into my category... I also liked how-to focused on saving them instead of defeating me. I think you may indeed be a worth hero just like All Might after all he did take you on as a personal student which he hasn't done before." Stain said as he threw a blade at Izuku that nicked his face. Stain's eyes widened and charged up to Izuku and his tongue came flying out. 'IT'S HIS TOUNGE THAT HELPS HIM GET THE BLOOD TO LOCK PEOPLE UP!' Izuku thought as he bent his body backward and kicked Stain in the chest but he didn't have enough time to put a lot of force behind the kick so Stain quickly recovered from it.

"That was a bit close.  You almost got me with your quirk Stain." Izuku stated and Stain raised an eyebrow and asked how he knew about his quirk. "I studied the case files. All Might and I were actually in town to capture you since we wanted to stop you from murdering people. I was able to put some theories together that your quirk is blood-based due to you using swords and minimum wounds. There is typically one or two cuts and then a killing blow wound which shows you needed to wound them a bit before you dealt the killing blow. Now, what would you get from said wounds, It is the blood that you get and need and I confirmed this with the reports from your last victim who said you licked your sword after cutting him." Izuku stated and Stain nodded his head impressed with Izuku's deduction skills. However, Stain wasn't done either as he charged once again at Izuku aiming to defeat him since he had stopped him from killing the fake heroes.

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