Chapter 3: Inko Midoriya & Talk Pt 1.

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3rd POV:

All Might had gathered all of the paperwork from Nezu and both he and Izuku left Nezu's office. Both of them avoided being seen by other people and were able to make it out of UA and got into All Might's truck that he owned. It was the same truck that he used to transport the trash from the beach to the dump which Izuku noticed and chuckled at. All Might as well laughed a bit at the fact that it brought back memories of their hell training that they put Izuku through. Soon though they started to get silent as they drove towards the Midoriya home. "All Might... are you sure you are okay with taking care of the costs for me to go to Shiketsu? This is a bit selfish of me since I could have stayed at UA." Izuku stated as they drove down the road. All Might nodded his head easily without even thinking about it.

"I am perfectly okay with paying for it. Do remember I am the number one pro hero. Even if I retired today I could easily afford a lot of things due to all of the merchandise I sell of my image and other things my image is used for. A good chunk of money goes to charities but even then I still have a lot of money even though I don't show it. I tend to buy things for convince sake unless it's my private jet since I need to hide my form when flying from other people. I also own a decent size home but not a mansion like others think. I get things that meet my needs and then add a few levels of comfort for myself." All Might stated and Izuku nodded his head as he relaxed in the car. All Might soon turned on the radio and they just listened to it on the drive over to the house.

As they arrived at the home, Izuku realized that they never talked about how they were going to introduce All Might to his mother. "All Might... we've never talked about how we are going to introduce you... my mother would get really suspicious of you trying to pay for my schooling even if you claim to be my mentor without revealing yourself as All Might." Izuku stated and All Might nodded his head. "I know. I will handle it and let me lead the conversation about everything okay?" All Might asked and Izuku nodded his head. Soon they both got out of the car and walked up to the apartment complex where Izuku opened the door.

"Mom are you home?" Izuku called out and Inko said she was in the kitchen. "Mom, I have somewhere here that wants to meet and talk to you. It's important." Izuku stated as he moved towards the living room and kitchen area. All Might put the guest slippers on and follow behind him. As they entered the room, Inko told Iuzku that he should have texted her that they were going to have a guest. All Might apologized. "Sorry, Mrs. Midoriya, I apologize since this was an unforeseen situation that Izuku and I have found ourselves in and we needed to talk to you as quickly as possible." All Might stated. Inko looked at him and introduced herself as Inko Midoriya and All Might introduced himself as Toshinori Yagi.

Soon they all sat down on the couch and All Might placed the folder down on the table. "The first thing ma'am, let me apologize for not meeting you sooner as I've been close to your son for about a year now as I have been training him for the UA entrance exams. I should have come to see you much sooner than now but have been caught up in many things but that is no excuse for not making time to see you before something happened." All Might stated as he bowed his head in apology. Inko waved him off and asked him to stop bowing. "I indeed would have liked to meet you far sooner than now but it's quite fine since Izuku has been looking much happier since he's been training with you. Though, I'm worried about what you mean about something happening?" Inko asked as she saw Izuku's finger in a splint and wondered if it was about that. All Might looked at Izuku and nodded his head as he transformed into his buff form which Inko's eyes widened at.

Even Izuku was shocked that he revealed his from so easily. "I am here!" All Might said before dropping his form and coughing a bit. Inko freaked out as he coughed up some blood but also that fact that she just saw him transform into All Might. Then she heard her son talk. "All Might you really got to stop pushing yourself..." Izuku said as he handed All Might a tissue to wipe the blood away. "Thank you, my boy. I really keep forgetting to carry something to wipe the blood all of the time..." All Might said as he wiped the blood up and threw it away. Both of them turned to Inko who was just staring at them and Izuku blushed from embarrassment. 

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