Chapter 28: Internship: Hosu!

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3rd POV:

Several days had passed for the internships and Izuku stayed in contact with his friends from class to see how their internships were going. Most of them had gotten lucky and were taken out on simple patrols where they dealt with minor thugs and criminals while a few got unlucky and so far had to spend most of their time doing paperwork. Even those that were unlucky did receive unique training from their mentors on the internships so they weren't completely horrible experiences for them. They all asked how Izuku was fairing with the press following them everywhere and Izuku just sent an emoji of him rolling his eyes. He responded that they were quite persistent in following them around but luckily All Might and he could easily escape by jumping away. Izuku put his phone away as All Might came out of his office because today they would be going into Hosu since it should be roughly around Stain's schedule for him to do another attack. If they are unable to find him today then they most likely wouldn't find him until he moves to another city because he would be on his fourth victim and he only does either 4 or 5 pro heroes per city before moving on to keep people off his trail.

Izuku and All Might headed downstairs but before they went through the Might Gate, All Might stopped them and looked at Izuku. "Remember, if you come across Stain and I am not around then retreat if possible and call for me to come help. I don't need you to die to him son so promise me if you find yourself alone with him then escape because even with you having 20% of One For All under control, for him it won't be enough most likely because he is far more experienced in close combat then you are. You will die due to the difference in experience most likely. Do you understand?" All Might asked and Izuku nodded his head in agreement. He has seen the police reports and Pro Heroes with years of experience have been defeat by the man easily so Izuku wasn't going to risk anything he didn't need to if no one was in danger of dying.

All Might have given Izuku complete permission to use his quirk in combat situations and out of combat situations. He did this to avoid Izuku getting in trouble with the law since he didn't have his Provisional License yet but that didn't matter to All Might since he's only had to get involved in very few fights during the internship due to how dangerous he deemed a villain that Izuku found or risk of the villain possibly running to get a hostage. Those villains could have been dealt with by Izuku but All Might didn't want to take the chance until Izuku got more experience with different situations so he was prepared for anything that he might run into.

Once again, they arrived on the lobby floor and exited the Might Gate to find reporters in the lobby waiting to get pictures of the two of them. They walked by and ignored the questions as they didn't need Stain getting any idea of them hunting him down which might cause the man to hideaway. Soon both of them jumped away once they got outside and went a good distance. Izuku has been getting much better with jumping far distances and landing as All Might showed him and explained how he was doing it. All Might would use a good portion of power to jump and increase the power right as he was about to land and move as he was going to run so he wouldn't crack the ground as he landed. As such, Izuku was gaining experience with high fall landings which was extremely helpful for him since he tended to just bounce around low on the ground or across buildings though he still preferred doing that instead since he adjusts his direction easier than going flying through the air. 

Soon they arrived in Hosu and they didn't stop for any small-time criminals that weren't harming anyone since they didn't want reporters to spread the news of them being in Hosu. As such, they just moved around across the rooftops of Hosu for several hours when it happened. About 6 blocks to their far left, several buildings went up in flames with explosions happening. Then All Might heard the screech of what sounded like a Nomu! "LET'S GO HALO! THAT SOUNDED SIMILAR TO THE NOMU FROM THE U.S.J. WHEN WE GET ON SITE I WILL DEAL WITH THEM AND YOU SAVE PEOPLE SINCE IF THEY ARE ANYTHING LIKE THE OEN FROM THE U.S.J. THEN WE ARE IN TROUBLE!" All Might yelled as they bounced off across the rooftops towards the destruction site. As they arrived they saw several creatures moving about the city and Izuku saw one was about to kill a woman and her child but Izuku wasn't going to let that happen.

Before All Might even noticed, Izuku burst off the rooftop at 20% and landed in front of the Nomu. As All Might noticed what happened he was about to jump in but then saw Izuku do a kick up to the jaw of the creature that sent it flying into the air. Using that moment, All Might jumped over to it and grabbed it as he slammed it into the ground. 'It didn't resist much at all? I think these are weaker than the ones from the U.S.J. which is good.' All Might thought as he noticed Izuku pulling civilians out of the danger area and moving them behind the line of heroes before grabbing more people and repeating. Every so often he would land blows onto the Nomu'sthat were in his path and they would go colliding with the ground or into a wall.

Soon everyone was cheering at the site of All Might and Halo being on-site as they helped defeat the Nomu's. However, as Izuku was working he heard a Pro Hero call someone's name and he remembered he's heard of it before. The Pro Hero was called Manual and he was calling for a person named Iida. That is when it hit him... that was the name of Izuku's former classmate from UA before he got expelled and his brother who was a Pro Hero was Stain's last victim! 

Izuku jumped to All Might and informed him of the situation which the hero was really displeased about. "I understand... go and see if you can find him since your going to be quicker than Manual. When you find him bring him here unless something happens. If... if he found Stain then escape with the boy but if you can't then radio me your position so I can come or send heroes to your location. Do  you understand?" All Might said and Izuku nodded as he jumped away to search for the missing hero-in-training. Soon Izuku started to search for the missing student but wasn't having luck until he heard a scream from somewhere nearby.

Then he listened in and tried to put the fighting noise from the distance out of his mind and listened in as best as he could. One For All did more than just enhanced his strength and speed as it also helped increase his body senses when he needs them but it was tricky and he had to concentrate for it to work. As Izuku was listening in for any sounds near him he thought he heard someone yell the name of Stain and Izuku headed off in the direction he believed it was from. As Izuku was bouncing across the rooftops and in between the buildings he saw something when he came across a turn in an alleyway as he saw Stain standing above Tenya Iida and was about to kill him as the sword was prepared to strike down into the student.

Izuku kicked off the corner of the building he pressed against and bounced quickly towards Stain. As the villain raised his head since he saw something out of the corner of his eye he was met with a blow to his face that sent him flying backward and into the wall. His body looked as if he got knocked out so Izuku looked over to the person next to him and confirmed it was indeed Tenya Iida from UA 1-A classroom. "Are you alright?" Izuku asked and he was met with a response that shocked and confused him but also sparked some rage inside of himself.

"What are you doing!? Stain is mine to defeat as I need to get revenge for my brother!" Iida stated out loud and Izuku was downright shocked at what he heard. 'Really... I am so glad I didn't stay at UA if this is how their students are. First Bakugo, next was Todoroki from what Inasa said, and now this student! Dear god, UA is infested with people that likely shouldn't be heroes!' Izuku thought in his mind. Izuku turned around as he heard a sound and saw that there was another person in the alley with them. It was the Pro Hero Native who looked injured. 

"Native are you alright and can you move?" Izuku asked as he was looking at Iida's wounds even though the boy was yelling at Izuku not to get involved and to just take Native and leave. "I'm going to live... I won't bleed out but I can't move. It's his quirk I believe." Native stated and Izuku nodded his head. "I'm going to radio in for some backup to detain stain and get you guys medical support so hold on for now," Izuku stated and Native nodded his head. As he was about to reach and radio to All Might he dodged out of the way and pulled Iida with him as a knife went right where Iida's head used to be. Izuku turned around and cursed at himself. "I guess I should have checked to see if you were fully out of it and detained you... that is what I get for not checking I guess?" Izuku said as he got into a position to fight. The reason he got up was that the hero killer Stain had woken up and was glaring at him.

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