Chapter 23: Shiketsu High Sports Festival Pt 4.

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3rd POV:

There was a 10-minute break during the matches and when the final round would start. This round would determine who the top three individuals were but would also determine who would become the general of Shiketsu High School. What was surprising to all of the staff and all of the heroes that normally attend these events and knows about the position since they support the school often is that two of the final three belongs to the first-year students. This fact alone had set Inasa and Izuku apart from all of the other hero course students across the entire three years and established them as powerful future pro heroes. No matter what they would be well sought after by any Pro Hero that was affiliated with the hero school who was in the knowledge of what happened on this day.

However, you could find Izuku in a bathroom as he was looking into the mirror. He looked into the mirror and was turning One For All on slightly. As he looked into the mirror he spoke, "I don't know if what I saw during the previous match with the mental quirk was real or not... but please if there is any sentence to One For All and my predecessors are indeed somehow inside of me... please. I'm begging you to help me win! Help me obtain the position of the General of Shiketsu High school so I can be in a better position to help dad... to help the 8th user! Please!" Izuku begged as he looked into his own eyes in hopes that he would somehow deliver the message to the deeps of his mind or soul. Wherever those figures of the previous users lived so they would get it. Izuku looked at the clock on the wall in the bathroom and saw it was about time to go out and fight the final fight. 'I REFUSE TO LET HIM DIE! I WILL WIN THIS!' Izuku thought as he pushed away from the sink and splashed his face with water and exited the bathroom. He found Inasa waiting in the hallway for him. "Inasa..." Izuku said as he walked to him. 

"Izuku... I know you want to win but I can't just let you walk over me without fighting for victory myself. So I tell you this, I will fight you with everything I have and I hope if this doesn't turn out like you want you won't hate me if I have something to do with it." Inasa said as he looked at Izuku in the eyes and Izuku nodded his head. "I indeed won't hold it against you if you have a hand in me losing. I could never hold it against you. I've come to see you as my best friend Inasa." Izuku said as they bumped fists and walked out to the arena and heard the announcer yelling. "Ladies and Gentlemen! Never before have we had two freshmen in the final three of the school-wide tournament! No matter who wins or who loses we can say this with full faith that Izuku Midoriya and Inasa Yoarashi are going to do amazing things as Pro Heroes!" The announcer yelled out and everyone was cheering. As Izuku entered the ring he did something that surprised everyone. He reached under his shirt and removed something that he was wearing underneath and threw it on the ground. He then removed bracelets around his wrists and legs as well.

Inasa looked at him in shock! "YOU WERE WEARING YOUR HEAVYWEIGHTS THIS ENTIRE TOURNAMENT!" Inasa yelled out in shock and everyone eyes widened as Izuku grinned at him. "Yup!" Izuku said in a tone that expressed his amusement. The referee asked how much those weighed and Izuku looked at them and then at the staff person. "Around 200 pounds," Izuku stated and everyone was shocked again as Izuku had been wearing 200 extra pounds this entire time and was fighting with it on! The third-year that has walked in behind them was in shock as well but broke into laughter and smiled at Izuku. "I don't get many good fights since I can end most of the time quickly. I truly hope you are able to last a good portion of time Izuku Midoriya!" stated the first year who Izuku learned his name was Naga Shikura. Izuku nodded his head as all of them took a place spread out in the field. 

The arena was silent as they wondered who was going to win. A lot believed the third-year would win but some had doubts due to the performance that the first-years provided so far. Soon the match was called to start and Inasa started his wind attack as strong as he could and sent it towards the third-year trying to get him out quickly since he knew he couldn't win against the man. Izuku powered up to 15% and bounced around and was aiming to get close to the man. Both Izuku and Inasa were targeting him and the third year dodged the wind attacks and then used his quirk.

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