Chapter 17: DadMight Time & Conversations

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3rd POV:

All Might decided to go up to Shiketsu that Saturday since he needed to talk to the Principal of Shiketsu about Izuku's internship during the internship week and also to talk to Izuku about the return of All For One as well. All Might could be found walking up to the school in his skinny form and scanning his badge that he was given to get into the school. All Might decided to go talk to the Principal first before seeking Izuku out as he wanted to have an answer regarding the internship before he brought it up with Izuku in the event they needed to change it to just Gran Torino taking him out. 

After asking for the principal and showing he was the secretary for All Might which was a perfect excuse he came up to be involved in his own hero matters as Toshinori Yagi. Soon, he was brought into the Principals office and sat down. "Hello, All Might. How are you after the attack?" the Principal asked him and All Might said he was fine but had matters to talk about now that they thought All For One was back. The Principal nodded his head and sat down and was ready for the talk.

"First, as it stands the man if he is indeed alive as we think, All For One won't know Izuku goes to this school currently and will assume he goes to UA since I work there. Second, this brings up the issue of Internships. I had planned to take Izuku on during the internship week and still plan to even though that man may be back. This is where I need Shiketsu to corporate with me on." All Might stated and the Principal asked how they could help. All Might explain the plan that they had come up with on having Izuku not wear the school's hat while out on the internship since if Izuku wore his hair covering the only identifying mark is the green eyes and green eyebrows. "Neither Izuku nor I will confirm which school he goes to. We would need everyone in his class and the staff here to keep silent about him doing the internship with me so no one learns that he goes here. It's one thing for it to be leaked in the future but another so soon with All For One making his moves." All Might stated and the Principal nodded his head in understanding. He agreed that they wouldn't require Izuku to wear the hat on his internship like everyone else since it would indeed make it impossible for people to find what hero school he goes to. 

As they sat there, they decided that Izuku's internship papers would be changed. Even though he would work with All Might, on paper it would say he was working under Gran Torino so it couldn't be tied back to All Might if the press somehow figured out who Izuku was. If they ever got caught they could easily tell the truth and claim that in the interest of keeping enemies of All Might away from Izuku Midoriya that they changed his internship papers to show someone else in the case of him being discovered. This was a good plan in All Might's mind and he agreed with it. Soon, the meeting came to an end and All Might went to go see Izuku who should be in the dorms since Gran Torino told him that he gave Izuku the day off in preparation for this meeting.

That is how All Might walked into the common room to find Izuku hanging out with his class as he was chasing Inasa around the common room trying to get his All Might action figure back. "What did I walk in on...?" All Might mutter but not soft enough since everyone turned around to look at him and were surprised to see him but soon the surprise went away since they remembered his connection to Izuku. "Wow... we all knew already but still... seeing him come here in person is amazing. Wait! WE CAN CALL HIM DADMIGHT NOW SINCE HE'S IZUKU'S FATHER FIGURE!" One classmate said and Izuku was on top of them trying to cover their mouth from talking more as All Might started to laugh. He honestly found the title funny but liked it. 

"Well, DADMIGHT IS HERE!" All Might bellowed out and everyone fell to the floor in laughter while Izuku was trying to hide his face in embarrassment. "REALLY!? So embarrassing!" Izuku complained as he grabbed his All Might action figure from his friend and walked up and hugged All Might. Soon, All Might asked Izuku if they could move up to their dorm room which he nodded at as they moved upstairs to sit down.

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