Chapter 69: Conversations

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3rd POV:

It was about two hours later when Izuku Midoriya burned and crashed as he fell asleep at his desk in his temporary command office. Izuku though soon woke up about five hours later and wondered what happened as he stretched and noticed his wounds were healed a bit more which meant a healing quirk had been used on him which freaked him out as he saw the time. Izuku realized he had been asleep for five hours which worried him on if the operations had derailed since so much needed to be done before he went to sleep. As Izuku exited his office not even noticing he was on a cot that was not in his office when he arrived in it he stepped out of his office and could hear orders being given out to people with a familiar voice. Izuku made his way over to the main command station area where he tended to give orders to people he saw one Toshinori Yagi aka All Might standing behind the command station at the podium that was raised in the air a bit to see over people as he gave orders to people. 

All Might ordered more people to be sent out to other cities to tamper down on the crime sprees that were going on and then the people left while others were ordered to start cleanup operations which consisted of a lot of Pro Heros that were suited for it like Cementos from UA. Izuku was wondering why his father was here at the operation center but didn't care since it seemed things were going smoothly. Izuku though got snapped out of his thoughts by a hand on his shoulder as All Might had seen him and moved to him. "How are you feeling?" All Might asked and Izuku said exhausted but better since he had slept for five hours. "Though, when did a healing quirk get used on me and when did you get here?" Izuku asked him as All Might explained he arrived about 30 minutes after he crashed as Gran Torino had called him when he left the medical ward as he was worried about Izuku crashing and no one being able to command the place. 

All Might had no issues with anyone questioning his authority since he had been the symbol of peace and easily accepted the man as the leader of the operation while Halo slept due to exhaustion. As such, everything kept running smoothly and they were past the point of searching for wounded and were now at the point of just searching for the dead and cleaning up the destruction.  All Might did inform him that the madam president of the commission had woken up and wanted to meet with Izuku as soon as he woke up which Izuku nodded his head and asked where she was since he knew the commission building had gotten hit. All Might said she was actually on-site as the commission moved operations to the command center since Izuku had been filling in for them for the most part so she was upstairs in some offices that the commission had taken over in the large building.

Izuku made his way upstairs without even caring about his appearance since he honestly had zero energy to give about it right at that moment. Izuku saw the commission office in the hallways as he arrived on the upper floors and they all noticed him as they bowed their heads to him which he bowed a bit as he walked by. Izuku then was led to the office that the president of the commission was in and was let in after knocking. "Hello, Halo." greeted the president of the commission and Izuku greeted back. Izuku took a seat and grabbed some coffee out of the pot that was in the room without a care in the world. "Madam President, do you know where Endeavor is at since I had no sighting of him at all before I woke up just a bit ago?" Izuku asked and she sighed as she told him that Endeavor had ended up passing out due to his wounds and had gotten taken to another hospital since the medical ward hadn't been established at that point. Izuku just sighed and asked if he was going to make it and she said he would make a full recovery which Izuku nodded his head at.

"He better since we have Toya Todoroki in custody and it's about time he faces his crimes for everything he has done since he created a portion of this entire mess," Izuku said and she nodded her head. She was glad she took his more or less warning/threat and distanced the commission from Endeavor before all of this happened. As they sat there Izuku sighed and then looked at her. "You know a lot of things are going to come to light due to these events... Endeavor... possibly the issue with you all training child soldiers like Hawks, and all of the fake hero shit. The system needs to change because it is what created Shigaraki and this entire Meta Liberation issue that lead to all of this chaos." Izuku said and the president of the commission turned her head and looked at him in the eyes as Izuku could tell by her eyes that she agreed with him.

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